Appendix – Triplett RWC1000K/RWC1000NP User Manual

Page 64

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is that the cable LENGTH is only shown as 98’. Press DETAILS
and continue the tests. All will become clear when cable map is
displayed. Here is a sample cable map.

12> 199' = = = <12
36> 202' = = = <36
45> 202' = = = <45
78> 98' = = = OPEN

Bad cable:
Wire map
of open

The sample map clearly shows the problem. There is an OPEN at
98’ on pair 78>. The SKEW was so large because the timing pulses
travel about 200’ on pairs 12, 36, and 45, but only travel 98’ on pair
78. As always, retest cable after repairs are made.

During the wire map test you probably noticed that the indicator
lights on the REMOTE PROBE (connected to the far end of the
cable) continue to fl ash. This is another indication of a problem.

If a cable has a SHORT in the middle, the wire map looks like this:

12> 199' = = = <12
36> 202' = = = <36
45> 202' = = = <45
78> 102' = = = SHORT

Bad cable:
Wire map
of shorted

The RWC is both a RW CERTIFIER and troubleshooting tool.
It identifi es the faults and gives you the distance to the OPENs,
SHORTs and SPLIT pairs.