Triplett Sniff-It – PN: 9602 User Manual

Features, Uses for the triplett sniff-it

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Detects AC Voltage without making contact

Sensitivity, from 30 to 600 Volts AC

Light flashes & beeper chirps when AC voltage is present

Economical, Non-Contact probe is safe and simple to use

Flashes & Beeps faster as AC voltage is approached

Beep Rate Indicates the Magnitude of Voltage (low or high voltage)

Pocket-Sized with Pocket Clip

Uses 2 AAA Batteries (Included)

Uses for the Triplett Sniff-It:

Tests for AC voltage on:


AC Motors

Light Bulb Sockets

Telephone and Cablevision

Extension Cords

Light Switches


House Trailer Siding

Power Tools

Many, many more . . .

Circuit Breakers

Identify “hot” side of AC receptacles

Find and trace electrically “live” wires or objects inside walls

Determine if metal surfaces are “live” or “ground”

Detect presence of high voltage electric fields

Detect “ringing” telephone lines

Test fuses (axial type)

Find breaks




CAUTION: The Triplett Sniff-It does NOT detect DC Voltage

Built-in Flashlight

Ruggedized Non-slip Case

5 year warranty


The Power Up Beep can operate even though the batteries are low and the

LED has stopped flashing. The Sniff-It may appear to work OK (except for

the LED), but it may fail to detect dangerous AC voltages or it may falsely

indicate the presence of AC voltage.

Replace the batteries when the LED stops flashing or the flashlight becomes dim!


If using the Sniff-It without testing on a known voltage source, the Sniff-It

may fail to beep or flash when a "live" circuit or object is tested. Take

precautions to prevent user injury in the event that the tested

circuit or object is unexpectedly "live".


The Sniff-It, like all similar products, may not detect AC voltage under

all circumstances. This is rare, but possible. To reduce the possibility

of this occurring, move the tip of the Sniff-It back and forth, or up and

down, between any suspect circuits or objects when no voltage is detected.

This may move the tip outside of the "null field" and may allow detection of the voltage.


The Sniff-It, like all similar products, may detect a GROUND instead of AC voltage.

This is rare, but possible. If the Sniff-It appears to detecting a ground instead of a

"live" circuit or object, use extreme caution. The user may be "live", and touching a

grounded circuit or object may result in user injury.

Safety Precautions and Warnings

1) Always test the Sniff-It using a known AC voltage source, before using it to

determine if a circuit or object is "live". Failure to observe this precaution may

result in user injury.

2) The Sniff-It may not detect the presence of AC voltage in all situations. In

particular, a twisted 3 phase cable tends to cancel out its electrostatic field, which

can make the cable appear to be "dead". Use caution and good work practices at

all times, even when the Sniff-It indicates that AC voltage is not present. Failure

to observe this precaution may result in user injury.

3) The Sniff-It may detect the presence of AC voltage when none appears to be

present. If testing for potentially dangerous AC voltages (like 120VAC, 240VAC,

480VAC, etc), and the Sniff-It seems to be indicating that a circuit or object that

should be grounded is "live", use extreme caution. Its possible that the user is

"live", and coming in contact with a ground may cause user injury. This situation

most often occurs in house trailers or construction site trailers.

4) Do not place your finger, or any other object that you are holding, near the tip

when trying to use the Sniff-It. Doing so can interfere with the sensing ability of

the Sniff-It, making a "live" circuit seem "dead". Failure to observe this

precaution may result in user injury.

5) The Sniff-It may not detect voltage if it is wet, or if a surface between the Sniff-It

and the voltage source is wet. Water is conductive and acts like a "shield",

preventing the detection of voltage. For example, the Sniff-It will not detect live

wires in walls if the wall is wet. The Sniff-It will not detect voltage in a wire that is

wet. Keep in mind that the wire may not be wet on its exterior surface, but wet

inside. For example, "Romex" wire that has been allowed to get wet will soak the

water into the paper separator. The wet paper acts like a shield preventing the

Sniff-It from detecting any voltage on the wire…. even though the exterior of the

Romex may be dry. Failure to observe this precaution may result in user injury.

6) The Sniff-It does not detect DC voltages. There may be dangerous high voltage

DC present that the Sniff-It will not detect. Use caution and good work practices

at all times, even when the Sniff-It indicates that AC voltage is not present.

Other dangerous voltages or currents, undetectable by the Sniff-It, may be

present. Failure to observe this precaution may result in user injury.

7) Do not assume that a wire or conductor that does not have a voltage on it is

harmless. The wire may be a Neutral or Ground wire, and significant current could

be flowing. Opening the circuit could cause dangerous voltages to appear, and

may result in user injury.

8) The Power Up Beep feature is provided to indicate that the Sniff-It is turned on. It

DOES NOT indicate that the Sniff-It is fully operational and waiting to detect a

voltage. The user must verify that the Sniff-It is operational by testing it on a

known AC voltage source.

Installing Batteries

Remove the battery cover by gripping the case with one hand in front of the power

button, and gripping and pressing on the pocket clip just in front of the flashlight

button with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, then moving your hands apart

to slide the case open. Install 2 AAA batteries in the polarity indicated in the battery

compartment. Replace battery cover by aligning the slots in the plastic and sliding it

back into closed position.


General Operation

The Sniff-It is turned on by pressing and holding the black power button. When first

turned on the Sniff-It should flash and beep momentarily (Power Up Beep). If this

does not happen, turn the Sniff-It off, and turn on again. If the proper response is not

obtained, check the batteries for proper polarity, and/or replace the batteries with a

fresh ones. When the flasher or flashlight becomes dim, or stops flashing (the beeper

may continue to sound), replace the batteries. The tip of the Sniff-It lights up green

when it is on and waiting to detect a voltage. When AC voltage is detected, the tip

flashes red.

The ability of the Sniff-It to detect AC voltage is affected by both distance and the

magnitude of the voltage. That is, to detect a low voltage, it is generally necessary for

the tip of the Sniff-It to be close to the voltage. A high voltage can be detected at a

distance. The Sniff-It beeps slowly when close to low voltages, and quickly when

close to high voltages. At a distance, a high voltage will cause the Sniff-It A to beep

slowly, and to gradually beep faster as the source of voltage is approached. This

allows the user to "home in" on the source of the voltage…. and once found, make a

judgment about the voltage's magnitude (i.e. low voltage or high voltage).

The gain some experience with using the Sniff-It, try it on several sources of known

voltage. A common 120V AC household outlet will cause the Sniff-It to beep at a

medium speed. A low voltage circuit, like a typical doorbell or thermostat circuit, will

cause the Sniff-It A to beep slowly. A 220VAC circuit will cause a medium fast beep.

At 600VAC, the Sniff-It A beeps so rapidly that it seems to be beeping continuously.

Note: Due to the high sensitivity of the Sniff-It's circuitry, it may appear to detect

voltage when the tip is rubbed or bumped, or when the tip is moved around against a

surface or in the air. Carpeted floors are notorious for generating static charges.

When walking on carpeted floors, the Sniff-It may beep erratically, or may fail to beep

in the presence of voltage, until the static charge dissipates (usually takes only a few


Checking 120VAC Outlets for proper polarity

The following test is not conclusive. If Sniff-It detects a problem, test the outlet using

conventional means (a meter, test plug, etc.). This test can only be performed on a

"live" outlet.

Test the Sniff-It on a known 120VAC source before performing the polarity test.

Turn on the Sniff-It and insert the tip into the slots of a "live" 120VAC receptacle. The

small slot (this is supposed to be the Hot side) should cause the Sniff-It A to beep

more quickly that the large slot. If the Sniff-It A beeps more rapidly in the large slot,

the outlet may be wired incorrectly (Hot and Neutral may be reversed). Remove the

tip from the slots and insert it (as far as possible) into the Ground opening. The

Sniff-It A should beep more slowly than when inserted in the small slot. If it does not,

the outlet may be wired incorrectly (the Ground may be incorrectly wired or not


Checking light bulb sockets for unexpected voltage

Light bulb sockets are sometimes wired incorrectly. While the light may turn on and

off when the wall switch is operated, there may be dangerous voltage at the socket

even when the switch is off. This can happen when the light bulb circuit is incorrectly

wired, or when the circuit is an old "3 way" type (new 3 way wiring should not allow a

"live" bulb when the light is off). This can pose a danger to someone changing a light

bulb, who may be accidentally shocked and injured by this unexpected voltage.

Test the Sniff-It on a 120VAC source (like an outlet) prior to performing this test.

Turn off the light switch. Remove the light bulb from its socket. Turn on the Sniff-It

and place its tip into the socket. If it begins beeping and flashing, AC voltage is

present. Use caution. A shock hazard is present.

Checking Appliances for Ground

The metal housings of appliances like washing machines and dryers are supposed to

be grounded. When they are properly grounded, any dangerous voltage that might

appear on the metal housing is diverted to ground. An ungrounded appliance may

work correctly, but a shock hazard may be present. The Sniff-It may be used to detect

any dangerous AC voltage that might appear on the housing of the appliance. Tap

water conducts electricity. It may be found that voltage is only present when the

appliance is wet.

Test the Sniff-It on a 120VAC source (like an outlet) prior to performing this test.

Turn on the Sniff-It and hold its tip against the metal housing of the appliance. If it

begins to beep and flash, it may be that your body is charged with AC voltage. Using

your other hand, touch a grounded object (a metal water pipe, the concrete floor, the

screw on an outlet cover, etc) while holding the Sniff-It up to the appliance housing

(do not touch the appliance until it is certain that no dangerous voltage exists). If the

Sniff-It still begins to beep and flash, dangerous voltage may be present. Check the

appliance's ground connections, or, if ungrounded, add a ground wire to the

appliance to eliminate a possible shock hazard.

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