Triplett RWC1000K/RWC1000NP User Manual
Page 30

CAT 5/6 UTP Cable Testing / RW CERTIFY / REVIEW
T 5/6 UTP
Real World
Certifi cation
Level 2
summary screen
Real World Certifi cation Level 2 displays the Real World certifi ed
Level 2 speed capability of the cable. The display is the result of the
data gathered during Level 1 testing (simulated data) and Level 2
testing (real data) into a graph that "Real World Certifi es" the speed
capability of the cable.
Additional notes: The Level 2 testing adds real live data with
the connection of a real live data source (a hub, switch or PC) to
the far end of the cable. This adds an important test element: signal
attenuation of live data. Adding this to the test data gathered during
Level 1 testing creates Level 2 testing. The end result of Real World
Certifi cation Level 2 is the speed graph shown above. It certifi es the
measured data speed capability of the cable. Use Level 2 certifi ca-
tion whenever you want to test a cable with real live data. With the
Level 2 testing you are Real World Certifying both your cable and
your network port at the same time (you can test your cable with the
exact port that it will use in the network).
The following screen only appears if Certifi cation Level
2 was performed.
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