Triplett CTX590 User Manual
Wire locator all wire types, Model ctx590, Continuity mode

CONT: Test wire pair for continuity
Network Test and Certification
Network Test and Certification
(set power switch to CONTINUITY)
Detect telephone and modem connections using the Red/Green LED
Phone pairs have a “tip” (0V) and a “ring” (-48VDC). Phones and modems typically
use the center pair of the connector (pins 4,5 in an 8 position (RJ45) jack or pins
3, 4 in a 6 position jack). 1) Connect the tone generator to the wall outlet using the
RJ11 or RJ45 plug. 2) If the LED lights, a connection could exist. A negative polarity
is normal for pins 4 and 5 (polarity is a concern with some digital systems).
Use this mode to detect whether
a pair of wires has continuity.
This test does not require the
use of the probe.
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1. Pick the pair of wires you wish to test for continuity.
2. Place the switch in the CONTINUITY position.
3.Attach the tone to the wires using either the RJ11, RJ45 or the alligator clips.
4.If the Red/Green LED lights, continuity exists on the pair.
Note: You can verify whether you are in CONTINUITY mode by touching the
alligator clips together. Remember, if continuity exists across two conductors
purposely, it is called "bridging". If it is not by design, it is called a "short" circuit.
How to test for continuity using the CTX590
Network Test and Certification
Network Test and Certification
Switch position
LED color Tone Off Continuity
Red Positive voltage Positive voltage Yes
Green Negative voltage Negative voltage NA
Alternating AC voltage AC voltage NA
The Red/Green LED indicates voltage, polarity and continuity
Voltage, polarity and continuity tests: The Red/Green LED is active in all three
switch positions. See the following chart for the LED's meaning:
In the TONE mode, the tone itself causes the red/green LED to indicate AC voltage (the
tone itself is an AC signal). So, for voltage/polarity tests, use the OFF position.
How to determine polarity: Positive voltage on the red clip in relation to black clip is
positive polarity; as is pin 3 in relation to 4 (RJ11); and pin 4 in relation to 5 (RJ45).
When checking telephone polarity, a green LED is correct telephone polarity and
a red LED is reversed polarity.