10 - specifications, Audio specifications, 10 specifications – Teac US-122 User Manual

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10 – Specifications

Audio specifications

Nominal input levels

MIC L and R (XLR balanced)

–54 dBu (TRIM=max) to –16 dBu

LINE/GUITAR input in LINE position
(1/4" jack, balanced)

–34 dBu (TRIM=max) to +4 dBu

LINE/GUITAR input in GUITAR posi-
tion (1/4" jack, unbalanced)

–42.2 dBV (TRIM=max) to –4.22 dBV

INSERT returns

–10 dBV

Maximum input levels

MIC L and R (XLR balanced)

0 dBu

LINE/GUITAR input in LINE position
(1/4" jack, balanced)

+20 dBu

LINE/GUITAR input in GUITAR posi-
tion (1/4" jack, unbalanced)

+11.8 dBV

INSERT returns

+6 dBV

Input impedance

MIC inputs (XLR balanced)

2.2 k

LINE/GUITAR input in LINE position
(1/4" jack, balanced)

22 k

LINE/GUITAR input in GUITAR posi-
tion (1/4" jack, unbalanced)

910 k

INSERT returns

100 k

Nominal output levels

LINE OUTPUTs (unbalanced RCA)

–10 dBV

INSERT sends

–10 dBV

Maximum output levels

LINE OUTPUTs (unbalanced RCA)

+6 dBV

INSERT sends

+6 dBV

PHONES (1/4" stereo jack)

+4.2 dBV (100 k

), phones level at –3 dB