Teac MX-2424 v1.04 User Manual

Page 37

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Sample Reference

The setting of this Menu determines the digital clock source for the MX-2424. This needs to be determined

whenever the MX-2424 is digitally connected to another piece of digital equipment.


This will set the MX-2424 to internal clock as long as the Frame Reference is not set to

video in Menu 001, in which case the sample clock will lock to video. If the Frame

Reference is set to Video in Menu 001 and the Sample Reference is not set to Automatic,

then the MX-2424 assumes that these two references are externally resolved.

If the MX-2424 is set to be a slave on the TL-BUS then the sample clock switches to

“TL-BUS”. If the MX-2424 is set to time code chase mode then the sample clock

switches to “Timecode In”. This is displayed in Menu 003.

Ext Wordclock

This setting is used when the MX-2424 is required to lock to a word clock signal

connected to the WORD CLOCK IN connector on the rear panel. The WORD

CLOCK THRU connector would be used if this word clock signal needs to be passed

through the MX-2424 to another piece of digital equipment without added delay.

Dig In 1,2

Dig In 9,10

Dig In 17,18

One of these settings would be used if the MX-2424 is required to lock to the digital

signal present at one of the three digital connectors on an installed multi-track digital I/O

module [52]. For example: If transferring digitally from a TASCAM DA-78HR to tracks

9-16 of the MX-2424 this Menu would be set to Dig In 9,10. (NOTE: With this setting

the digital clock is taken from the first two inputs of one of the three eight channel

blocks: 1&2, 9&10 or 17&18.)

2CH In

This setting is used when transferring digital audio into the MX-2424 through the stereo

AES/EBU inputs [55] or the SPDIF inputs [54]. This setting may also be used if

AES/EBU or SPDIF null clock is to be used by the MX-2424 as its digital clock source.

Menu 462 2CH In Source is used to choose either AES/EBU or SPDIF.


Samp Ref Status

This is a detailed display indication only of the current source of digital clock. It is not possible to make changes to

any setting from this menu. The possible sources of digital clock are:


Displayed when the MX-2424 is acting as the digital clock master to any other piece of

digital equipment. The other equipment could be another MX-2424 on the TL-Bus or

any equipment connected digitally to the MX-2424 or to its WORD CLOCK OUT

connector [57].


Displayed when the MX-2424 is chasing another MX-2424 on the TL-Bus.

Ext Wordclock

Displayed when the MX-2424 is locked to a digital word clock signal present at the

WORD CLOCK IN connector [57] as selected in Menu 002 above.

Dig In 1,2

Dig In 9,10

Dig In 17,18

One of these settings would be displayed when the MX-2424 is locked to a digital signal

present at one of the three connectors on the multi-track digital I/O module [52] as

selected in Menu 002 above.

2CH In

Displayed when the MX-2424 is locked to a digital signal present at either the stereo

AES/EBU [55] or the SPDIF [54] connector on the rear panel as selected in Menu 002


Timecode In

Displayed when the MX-2424 is receiving SMPTE time code present at the TIME

CODE IN connector [51] on the rear panel, Timecode Chase is selected in Menu 000 and

Internal/Frame is selected in Menu 002.


Displayed when the MX-2424’s digital clock is locked to a valid external video sync

source. The MX-2424 will automatically switch between NTSC and PAL video formats.


This manual is related to the following products: