Teac MX-2424 v1.04 User Manual

Page 29

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LCD Display:

The liquid crystal display consists of two lines of twenty characters each that show various operator messages

depending upon the active panel/display state. Both lines of the LCD can also show various system messages

according to the operating state.

When not accessing menus, the top line shows the position of the playhead. The bottom line shows a time code

value that can be used for functions such as memory locations, IN/Out points, offsets, etc.





This key performs both a clear and a cancel function, operating in almost all modes and situations. CLEAR [15]

has no shifted function. In Setup, pressing CLEAR [15] generally returns a changed value back to the previously

stored value, or exits completely. In the Error state pressing CLEAR [15] will clear the error message and return

the MX-2424 to the previous operating state. During memory location trim or track slip, pressing the CLEAR [15]

key returns the memory locations to their previous values (before the slip or trim operation changed them). During

time code entry in the Normal state, CLEAR [15] returns the time code to a zero value. For most other operations,

CLEAR [15] will return the MX-2424 to the Normal state.

[16, 71] CAPTURE

The capture key places the time code location of the Play Head at the time CAPT [16, 71] was pressed into the

bottom line of the LCD [18]. After capturing the time code value the CAPT [16, 71] LED will flash until a target

key is pressed to determine the memory location to store the value. This action can be done at any time during

normal operation of the MX-2424 (including play and record). To complete the capture operation, either press a

target key or press CLEAR [15] to cancel. CAPT [16, 71] may be pressed repeatedly, continually updating the

captured value until a target is determined.



Where indicated with text above (or to the side of) a key, SHIFT [19] is used to provide an alternate operation for

the indicated key. The SHIFT [19] key latches when pressed and unlatches after the second key (function key) is

pressed (which performs the operation). If held down while pressing the function key then the operation will be

immediately performed.

(NOTE: Main operations for any key are indicated by the function printed directly on the key. Any key with an

associated LED uses the LED to indicate this main operation. LED’s do not indicate shifted operations.)



This key is used to store locations into memory. Pressing STORE [20] then a numeric key sequence (00 through

99) would store the location currently in the lower line of the display into the memory location represented by the

numeric key sequence.

The following keys (or key combinations) also represent memory locations that can have values stored into them:

From the MX-2424







From the RC-2424












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