Loading a project, Loading individual tracks – Teac MMR-16 v4.0 User Manual

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TASCAM MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 4 • MMP-16 Operation


Loading a Project

Press LOAD TRACK to show list of Projects, Sessions, or Compositions from all mounted drives. The
list is shown in alphanumeric order.

Example: To load 2B Project

From Disk:
1 (MMP/WaveFrame)

A Project

1 (MMP/WaveFrame)

Dialogue Export 1.omf

2 (Macintosh)

Mix Stems 1

1 (MMP/WaveFrame)

Pro Tools Session RWF

2 (Macintosh)

Pro Tools Session SW

2 (Macintosh)

WaveFrame MAT

1 (MMP/WaveFrame)

Press STO [YES] to load the first sixteen tracks from the desired Project into MMP Track Index 1 – 16

Loading Individual Tracks

After pressing LOAD TRACK (as above), choose (scroll to) the Project, Session, or Composition
containing the tracks you wish to load. Press LOAD TRACK again to show the list of tracks in the
Project, Session, or Composition (if Project is WaveFrame, it may also show Episode, Act, Reel, or Dub).

Example: Track list for project: 2B Project

MMP Trk2 00251
MMP Trk3 00252
MMP Trk4 00253
MMP Trk5 00254
~ ~ ~ ~
MMP Trk16 00257








TRK 8 ~
~ 16 SEL

Press the appropriate SEL key to choose the desired Track index into which the track will be loaded.

Press STO [YES] to load the displayed track from the list into the currently selected Track index.

Use the arrows or wheel to scroll to a different track from the list of available tracks in the project.

To facilitate loading tracks in succession, the MMP will automatically increment the selected Track

index and advance the display to the next track in the list of available tracks after a track is loaded.

After pressing the LOAD TRACK key twice, the first Track name will be displayed in the bottom line of
the LCD preceded by a small box (the STOP character) in the first character of the display to indicate the
track has not been loaded yet (it is “unloaded”). To load tracks individually in succession starting with
Track 1, first press the Track 1 SEL key. The LED on Track 1 will be lit to indicate that when STO is
pressed the displayed track will load onto track 1. After track 1 is loaded, the next track name in the list
will automatically display, and the LED on track 2 will turn on to indicate pressing STO will store that
track onto track 2. Any target track may be selected manually by pressing the appropriate SEL key before
STO is pressed. Typically, a hard drive will contain sixteen or more tracks for one project, and thus tracks
can be loaded in rapid sequence by simply pressing STO sixteen times in a row. After a track is loaded,
the track index number into which the sound file has been loaded will precede the track name.

2B Project

Use Arrows or Wheel to Scroll

Project list in LCD display

Load into Track 7:

MMP Trk1 00250

Use Arrows or Wheel to Scroll

Track list in LCD display

Loads into any
Selected Track Index

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