Teac MMR-16 v4.0 User Manual
Page 151
TASCAM MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Appendix G • Macintosh Error Messages
MGROWGREWTOWRONGSIZE -523 mgrowfile internal error file grew to
incorrect size
FILEISGONE -524 This means that you are trying to read,
write, or close an open file which someone
deleted/moved out from under you.
CANTUPDATEDIR -525 Could not update directory times and
BADPATH -526 was given a bad path
CANONLYOPENFILES -527 Try to macopen a non-file
TRUNCTONONZEROSIZE -528 Tried to truncate to nonzero size
CANONLYTRUNCFILES -529 Tried to truncate a nonfile
CANTOVERWRITEDIR -530 Tried to overwrite a folder
CREATEFOLDWOULDOVERWRITE -531 Creating the folder would overwrite an
existing item
MACREADCANTREAD -550 macreadblocks failed in mread
FILEISNOTOPEN -551 Tried to close nonopen file
INVALIDMFILE -552 The MFILE you passed is garbage
CANTSETNONFILEFINDERINFO -553 We only do files right now...
CANTGETNONFILEFINDERINFO -554 We only do files right now...
Only create files with
absolute path
FILEISINUSE -556 Cannot delete open files
Partition Errors
Error Name Error #
PARTOUTOFMEM -600 Ran out of memory
PARTCANTREADSECTZERO -601 Couldn't read the device map
UNRECOGNIZEDTYPE -603 Doesn't have valid device map
PARTCANTREADPARTMAPSECT -604 Couldn't read partition map
BADPARTITION -605 Asked to mount a non MAC HFS partition
Error Name Error #
NOTMACHFSPART -606 It looked like a MAC HFS part, but after
reading vib, we don't think so
ALLOCSBITMAPFULL -607 No more room left on disk
FOLDERNAMETOOLONG -608 safeguard in create/delete folder routines
INVALIDOFFSET -609 offset not madgetsector too big.
NOTSECTORALLIGNED -610 offset to macgetsector not sector aligned
SECTOR_SIZE_MISMATCH -611 Sector size gotten from device does not
match sector size in partition table