Functional overview – Teac MMR-16 v4.0 User Manual
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MMP-16 TASCAM MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 1 • General Information
Functional Overview
The MMP-16 operates in any of eight different Panel/Display states (simply referred to as “states” for
convenience). These states are distinguished by the nature of the information displayed in the LCD
window and by which keys are functionally available while in that state. These MMP-16 Panel/Display
states are described here.
Normal state is the default Panel/Display state on power-up. In this state, the LCD shows the current
system play time in the top of the display, and shows the active register (last requested register or function
time) in the bottom of the display. All keys are active while in this state, and will respond by performing
an action, accessing a register, or changing to the state written on the key. Shifted key functions are also
available by first pressing the SHIFT key, then pressing the key which corresponds to the desired shifted
function. Once the SHIFT key is selected, pressing the appropriate key to activate the desired shifted
function completes the SHIFT operation. The SHIFT state can be cancelled by pressing SHIFT again, or
by pressing CLR, to return the system to normal key selection.
Pressing the SETUP key activates the Setup state. This state gives access to the system setup menus,
where most of the operating parameters of the MMP-16 can be altered. Some parameters are changeable
only under certain operating conditions (while stopped, etc.), although all are viewable at any time in the
Setup state. Once in the Setup state, you may return to the Normal state by pressing the SETUP key
again, or by pressing CLR.
There are three types of Panel/Display states that deal with MMP-16 track operations. These are Load
Track, View Track, and Slip Track. Pressing the LOAD TRACK, TRACK, or SLIP keys puts the
MMP-16 into one of these Track states. The SEL keys for each MMP track are used in conjunction with
these keys to identify the specific track to be loaded, viewed, or slipped.
There are also two keys to the left of the Track state keys labeled EDIT and MON. These keys do not
change the state of the MMP display, but are used to determine what status is being indicated for each
MMP track by the track selection LEDs when the SEL keys are pressed while in the Normal state of
operation. One of these keys is always active as the current Track Mode. Since these keys function along
with the Track state keys to identify the function being specified by the SEL keys, the entire group of five
keys (EDIT, MON, LOAD TRACK, TRACK, and SLIP) are also referred to as the Track Mode keys.
The Track states supersede the Normal state since they change the display and make certain keys
unavailable until the Track state is exited or cleared. To exit a Track state and return the MMP-16 to the
Normal state, it is necessary to either complete the selected track operation (by pressing STO to load a
Project, for example), or press the selected Track state key again, or press the CLR key to cancel the
operation. After exiting a Track state, the system will return to the Normal state and the last selected
Track Mode (EDIT, MON).
Pressing the LOAD TRACK key activates the Load Track state. This state allows for loading
WaveFrame projects, OMF Compositions, or Pro Tools Session files from any mounted disk volume.
This state also allows loading of individual tracks from a Project, Composition, or Session (hence the
name of this key and state), and moving of tracks from one MMP channel to another. The shifted function
of LOAD TRACK allows for deleting WaveFrame Projects or Tracks. The MMP-16 software does not
currently allow OMF Compositions and Pro Tools Session Files to be deleted.