Recording on the hs-p82 – Teac HS-P82 Quick Start Guide User Manual

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Recording on the HS-P82

To begin recording, depress the physical button on the right of the display marked RECORD. To end
recording, press STOP.

With firmware v1.20, you could also press F10 for RECORD; and F7 for STOP on a remote

To record the next take, just press RECORD again. The take number automatically increments.

To playback a take, just press PLAY. To go back to a prior take, or advance to a later take, just press the
<< BACK or FORWARD>> buttons.

If you need to search for a very distant take, either press the scene/take label box just above the meters,
or the PROJECT button. Both will take you to the Project screen, where you will see an index of scenes &
takes. Pressing the ENTER arrow button adjacent to the desired take will “load” that take into the
current location. Then just use the PLAY keys.

When it is time to roll sound for a new take, just press RECORD. The take number will automatically
increment to the correct number, regardless of the fact that you just played back an early take of that
same scene.

If you loaded a different scene to play back than the current one, when you press RECORD it will
increment to a new take number of the (just loaded) scene. So in that case, you would want to return to
the correct scene before going into RECORD. Go back to the index, and select any take from the scene
that you need to be in. Press enter to load it. Now you are ready to record the next take.