Teac HS-P82 Quick Start Guide User Manual

Page 12

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button on the end, which is the master track that you can mix all of the other tracks down to, in addition
to recording them as individual ISO’s.

Note that you can also enable/disable record tracks from the HOME screen, as well. Just select
the REC TRACK tab at the bottom of the screen. This is where you would normally access the
tracks during a production session, after the initial setting up.

The FILE FORMAT tab allows you to select mono (default)or poly formats for your tracks, the bit rate
(16 or 24), mono file placement (subfolder is the default), max file size (2GB is default), and whether the
file is split (default) or stays intact when you hit the pause button.

Important NOTE: the default bit rate for the TASCAM is 24 bit, which would be correct for music.
However, for film/video, the 16 bit setting has been more prevalent – but some productions are
beginning to favor 24 bit. Always ASK the Post Production Supervisor what settings they

The OPTIONS tab is where you will find the capability of enabling the PRE RECORD function. The default
setting is OFF, but there are some field applications where it is extremely useful to be able to record
audio that occurred a few seconds BEFORE you pressed the RECORD button! Bear in mind that if you use
the PRE RECORD mode, it does require a few seconds of processing (downtime) before you can begin
recording a new take. That may or may not be a problem for you.