Setting your recording levels – Teac HS-P82 Quick Start Guide User Manual

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The default setting for SOLO, in the System Setup screen, is SINGLE. That means only one channel at a
time can be solo monitored. If you change the solo mode to MIX, then it is possible to highlight and
monitor as many channels simultaneously as you want to. MIX is more versatile for film/video

Setting your recording levels

Plug your source XLR’s into the recorder. The input level (gain) for each channel, mic or line level, is
adjusted by the 8 physical knobs to the left of the display.

To adjust a line level source, you must either increase the output level at the source, or adjust
the trim pot. You could also select a different REF LEVEL from the Setup screen, but that will
affect Tone level as well as Line Input.

Use the individual knobs to bring each microphone volume to an optimum level on its meter. For most
film/video applications, that would be approximately -20dB or -18dB. This level allows for plenty of
headroom in the event of a loud exclamation or sound effect. In the world of digital audio recording, you
never want to exceed zero!

In firmware v1.20, a function has been added that allows you to press the DATA knob on the front of
the recorder to show the MIC/LINE trim values briefly beneath the meters.

After you have set the input levels (referred to as “trim” by the audio industry), the next step is to set