6 s826_adctrigmoderead, 7 s826_adcenablewrite, 8 s826_adcenableread – Sensoray 826 User Manual

Page 24: S826_adctrigmoderead, S826_adcenablewrite, S826_adcenableread

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5.3.6 S826_AdcTrigModeRead

The S826_AdcTrigModeRead function reads the ADC triggering mode.

int S826_AdcTrigModeRead(
uint board, // board identifier
uint *trigmode // hardware trigger mode



826 board number. This must match the settings of the board's dip switches as described in section 2.2.


Pointer to a buffer that will receive the hardware trigger configuration. See S826_AdcTrigModeWrite for the format
of this value.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is zero.

If the function fails, the return value is an error code.

5.3.7 S826_AdcEnableWrite

The S826_AdcEnableWrite function enables or disables ADC conversions.

int S826_AdcEnableWrite(
uint board, // board identifier
uint enable // enable conversions when true



826 board number. This must match the settings of the board's dip switches as described in section 2.2.


Set to 1 to enable, or 0 to disable ADC conversion bursts. Conversion bursts are disabled by default upon board reset.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is zero.

If the function fails, the return value is an error code.


When enable is false, any conversion burst that is currently in progress will be terminated and all results and overrun
status flags are reset. When enable is true, the resulting behavior depends on the trigger mode:

Continuous mode
The first conversion burst will begin immediately, followed by additional bursts. Each subsequent burst begins
immediately after the preceding burst ends. Back-to-back bursts will continue until ADC conversions are disabled.

Triggered mode
A single conversion burst will begin in response to the next trigger and conversions will cease upon completion of that
burst. Each subsequent trigger will cause another single burst. Triggers have no effect when ADC conversions are

5.3.8 S826_AdcEnableRead

The S826_AdcEnableRead function returns the enable status of the ADC system.

826 Instruction Manual


Analog Inputs