Inputs & outputs – Orion System SA E-BUS Controller User Manual
Page 39

SA E-BUS Controller Technical Guide
Inputs & Outputs
SA E-BUS Controller Outputs and SA Expansion Module I/Os
SA E-BUS Controller Outputs
AO1 - Water Side Economizer Valve Signal
This 2-10 VDC signal is used to modulate the Water Side Economizer
valve(s) of either a single SA Unit or a dual SA Unit during Water Side
Economizer operation.
AO2 - Supply Fan VFD
This voltage signal (0-10 VDC) can be connected to a Supply Fan VFD
or to Proportional Inlet Vanes to control the Duct Static Pressure. This
signal can also be connected to a 0-10 VDC Modulating Zoning Bypass
Damper Actuator to control Duct Static Pressure. When this signal is
used to control a Zoning Bypass Damper Actuator, the Zoning Bypass
Damper Actuator needs to be mechanically confi gured to close the Zon-
ing Bypass Damper on an increase of the 0-10 VDC output signal. This
is necessary because the signal is Direct Acting and is not confi gurable
as a Reverse Acting Signal on the SA E-BUS Controller.
R1 - Supply Fan (Enable)
This is reserved for the Supply Fan and cannot be confi gured for any
other option.
R2-R5 - User-Confi gurable Relays
These relays are confi gurable by the user. For all the available confi gura-
tion options, see Table 2 on page 40.
By using all (4) of the available relay outputs on the SA E-BUS Control-
ler, all (4) of the relay outputs on the SA Expansion Module, and all 12
of the relay outputs on the 12 Relay Expansion Module, you have the
ability to confi gure up to a combined total of (20) relay outputs for Heat-
ing Stages, Cooling Stages, and options 3 through 10 listed in Table 2.
NOTE: The Binary Inputs require wet contacts (24 VAC only) to
recognize an active input. If you provide dry contacts, the contact
closure will not be recognized.
SA Expansion Module Inputs and
AI1 - Entering Air Humidity Sensor Input
This input is used to connect an Entering Air Humidity Sensor that
when combined with the Entering Air Temperature Sensor reading is
used to calculate a Dewpoint Temperature. The Entering Air Dewpoint
Temperature is used to activate the Dehumidifi cation Mode on Entering
Air confi gured units.
AI2 - Indoor Air Humidity Sensor Input
The Indoor Air Humidity Sensor is used to activate Dehumidifi cation
Mode when the unit is confi gured for Supply Air Control or Space
Temperature Control on a VAV or CAV unit. This sensor can be used as
a reset sensor for Entering Air Controlled units.
AI3 - Suction Pressure A Input
The Suction Pressure Transducer (0-5 VDC input) is used to measure the
suction pressure at the HVAC Unit’s DX evaporator coil suction line. This
suction line pressure is converted to saturated refrigerant temperature by
the SA E-BUS Controller. This temperature is used by the SA E-BUS
Controller to accurately control the compressor’s cycle to provide opti-
mum performance from the system during Dehumidifi cation operation.
AI4 - Suction Pressure B Input
The Suction Pressure Transducer (0-5 VDC input) is used to measure
the suction pressure at the HVAC Unit’s DX evaporator coil suction
line. This suction line pressure is converted to saturated refrigerant
temperature by the SA E-BUS Controller. This temperature is used
by the SA E-BUS Controller to accurately control the compressor’s
components to provide optimum performance from the system during
Dehumidifi cation operation.
AO1 - Modulating Heating Signal
This output signal can be confi gured for either a 0-10 VDC or 2-10
VDC output signal. This signal can be confi gured for either Direct Act-
ing or Reverse Acting operation. This output signal is used to operate
Modulating Heating Device to maintain the Heating Supply
Air Temperature Setpoint.
AO2 - Modulating Cooling Stage 1 Signal
This output is used to control either a Copeland Digital Scroll Com-
or a Modulating Chilled Water Valve to maintain the Cooling
Supply Air Temperature Setpoint. If used for a Copeland Digital Scroll
Compressor, the output is confi gured for a 1.5-5.0 VDC operation. If
used for a Modulating Chilled Water Valve, the output is confi gured
for either 0-10 VDC or 2-10 VDC operation and can be confi gured for
direct acting or reverse acting operation.
AO3 - Modulating Cooling Stage 2 Signal
This output signal must be confi gured for a 1.5-5.0 VDC output signal.
This output signal is used to operate a Copeland Digital Scroll
sor to maintain the Cooling Supply Air Temperature Setpoint.
AO4 - Water Side Economizer Bypass Actuator
Valve A
This output signal is a Direct Acting 2-10 VDC output signal that is used
to modulate the Water Side Economizer Bypass Actuator on a Single
SA Unit or Unit A of a Dual SA Unit.
AO5 - Water Side Economizer Bypass Actuator
Valve B
This output signal is a Direct Acting 2-10 VDC output signal that is
used to modulate the Water Side Economizer Bypass Actuator of Unit
B of a Dual SA Unit.