Linear glass scales, ops top mount, Mounting surface preparation, Mounting linear glass scales – MicroE PurePrecision User Manual
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Linear Glass Scales, OPS Side and Top Mount
Mounting Surface Preparation
Inspect the mounting surface for any machining irregularities. MicroE Systems recommends a surface finish of
better than 1.6 micrometers Ra and mounting surface flatness of 0.0001 inch/inch.
MicroE Systems
Benching Pins
Pin (optional)
“Benching” the linear Scale
MicroE Systems' linear glass scales should be permanently affixed to the mounting surface, using epoxy and
the adhesive attached to the back of the scale.
"Benching" the glass scale to the system means aligning the scale by means of benching pins. Refer to the
OPS Interface Drawings for dimensions. The “benching” pins can be set up on either side of the glass scale,
but are referenced to the “D” reference edge of the glass scale as shown in the Interface Drawing.
Be sure to use the proper orientation for the “D” linear glass scale reference edge and the OPS Top Mount
reference face “B” as shown in the OPS Interface Drawings.
Two benching pins are recommended on either long side of the glass scale and one at either end.
Position the benching pins inward from either end of the scale. 20% of the overall scale length is the
recommended location from the edge.
Be sure the benching pins do not exceed the height of the linear glass scale to prevent mechanical interference
with the sensor or sensor mount.
Glass Scale “Benching” Diagram