Tape scale, ops side mount configuration – MicroE PurePrecision User Manual
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Tape Scale, OPS Side Mount Configuration
Installation By Mounted Applicator Tool
Peel off a short section of bottom adhesive backing approximately 50mm (2 inches).
PurePrecision Tape Scales have 3 layers, blue protective film, steel scale, and adhesive backing.
Using a sharp tool or fingernail, initiate the peeling of the adhesive liner from the end of the tape scale that will
be inserted into the applicator tool entry channel.
Turn Applicator Tool to the “Up” position and insert tape into applicator tool.
Rotate the knob that controls the contact cylinder plunger to the UP position. This allows you to insert the first
section of adhesive exposed tape, into the applicator tool.
Be sure that both the tape scale orientation arrows and the applicator tool arrows point in the same direction.
Tape Scale
orientation arrows
orientation arrows
Plunger in UP
Close-up of plunger knob in the UP
position. The position of the keyways
indicates UP or Down. Rotating the knob
will both move the plunger up or down.
Adhesive backing
Do not peel the blue
protective film off at
this time.