Tape scale, ops side mount configuration – MicroE PurePrecision User Manual
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Tape Scale, OPS Side Mount Configuration
Installation By Mounted Applicator Tool
Mount the Applicator Tool.
Mount the Applicator Tool in the Sensor mounting holes. Use the Z-height shim to set up the approximate
Z-height, to ensure proper Applicator Tool function.
Note tape scale orientation with arrows and the “D” reference edge.
The applicator tool is shown mounted to the OPS Sensor mount. Both Tape Scale arrows, and Applicator Tool
orientation arrows need to point in the same direction for proper configuration.
Also note, the “D” reference edge is determined from the OPS interface drawing. The tape scale orientation
arrows always point to the “D” reference edge. In the example below, the dotted red line shown is the
measured “D” reference edge. When the tape scale is finally installed, the orientation arrows will be pointing to
the calculated “D” reference edge.
In the example shown, the left side of the tape scale needs to go into the applicator tool entry channel first.
Tape Scale
orientation arrows
Tool orientation