Measurement Computing WBK17 User Manual
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WBK17, pg. 2
WBK17, Counter/Encoder Module
The WBK17 is an 8-channel multi-function counter/encoder module that can be used with WaveBook/516,
/512A, /516A, and /516E systems. The WBK17 module can not be used with earlier WaveBook models
such as WaveBook/512 and WaveBook/512H.
Each of the high-speed, 32-bit counter channels can be configured for counter, period, pulse width, time
between edges, or encoder modes.
All channels are capable of measuring analog inputs that are digitized by the WaveBook at up to
1 MHz. The Analog Waveform Input Mode can be used to measure waveforms from 0 to 100 V peak-to-
peak (±50 V). The maximum analog over-range is 150 V peak-to-peak (± 75 V). The resolution is:
0.002307 V/bit.
WBK17 Block Diagram
The WBK17 can be used with any combination of up to 7 additional WBK signal-conditioning modules.
Together these modules can measure a broad range of signal types and address a broad range of
A discussion of the following items is presented in Functional Concepts, which immediately follows
Hardware Setup.
AC/DC Coupling
Analog Filtering
Debounce Circuit
Counter Options
Digital Inputs
Digital Outputs with Pattern Detection