Dukane Dual Servo Spin Welder 403570-01 User Manual

Page 84

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Dual Servo Spin Welder User’s Manual

Dukane Manual Part No. 403-570-01

Page 7




Possible Solution


Axis stopped before weld

Motion on spin or vertical
axes stopped before weld

Internal machine error

1 .

Check for obstructions to motion
outside welder

2 .

Contact DUKANE service

Spin stop before weld start Servo controller error

Internal machine error

Contact DUKANE service

Timeout on finding vertical
lower limit position

Moving the vertical lower
limit up to desired position

Limit mechanism malfunctioning

Contact DUKANE service

Timeout on torque sense

The torque trigger was
not detected within the
allowable time

1 .

Torque trigger value set too

2 .

Parts not loaded

1 .

Reduce torque trigger value

2 .

Ensure parts are properly loaded

Timeout on User Upper
Part vacuum detect

Vacuum was not detected
within timeout


Insufficient vacuum

2 .

Vacuum sensor threshold set
too high

3 .

Improper part pickup position

1 .

Increase vacuum capability

2 .

Decrease required vacuum sensing

3 .

Adjust Position (mm) value in Part
Pickup option

Timeout on vertical
distance in constant torque

Programmed weld distance
not reached within the
specified time with Constant
Torque option enabled

1 .

Timeout too short

2 .

Constant Torque maximum
vertical speed set too low

1 .

Increase timeout value

2 .

Increase value of VERT . Max (mm/s)
setting in Weld Parameters screen in
setup menu

Vertical stop before starting

Vertical (press) motion
stopped before spin motion

Internal machine error

1 .

Check for obstructions to motion
outside welder

2 .

Contact DUKANE service

Vertical servo contact
sensing failed

Welder did not detect
programmed thrust level

With Part Pickup option enabled
with Thrust Sense, part contact was
not detected

1 .

Ensure parts are loaded properly

2 .

Increase Timeout (s) value

3 .

Check the Position (mm) value – it
should be set slightly (<5mm) above
expected part contact

Weld aborted by CYCLE
TIME limit

Weld cycle stopped
because cycle time
exceeded programmed
process limit

1 .

Weld process problem

2 .

Limits too narrow for weld


Check parts to be welded, fixturing,
etc .

2 .

If practical, widen process limit
window or adjust setup parameters

Weld aborted by ROTATE

Weld cycle stopped
because number of
revolutions exceeded
programmed process limit

1 .

Weld process problem

2 .

Limits too narrow for weld


Check parts to be welded, fixturing,
etc .

2 .

If practical, widen process limit
window or adjust setup parameters

Weld aborted by RPM limit

Weld cycle stopped
because motor speed
was outside programmed
process limit

1 .

Weld process problem

2 .

Limits too narrow for weld


Check parts to be welded, fixturing,
etc .

2 .

If practical, widen process limit
window or adjust setup parameters

Weld aborted by THRUST

Weld cycle stopped
because weld thrust was
outside programmed
process limits

1 .

Weld process problem

2 .

Limits too narrow for weld


Check parts to be welded, fixturing,
etc .

2 .

If practical, widen process limit
window or adjust setup parameters

Weld aborted by TORQUE

Weld cycle stopped
because motor torque
was outside programmed
process limits

1 .

Weld process problem

2 .

Limits too narrow for weld


Check parts to be welded, fixturing,
etc .

2 .

If practical, widen process limit
window or adjust setup parameters

Weld aborted by vertical
servo stop

Vertical (press) motion
stopped before spin motion
weld was complete

Excessive press weld speed

Reduce press weld speed

Weld duration too short

Weld duration generated by
programmed parameters is
too short

1 .

Weld Time, Rotations, or
Distance too short

2 .

Deceleration too low

NOTE: the time for deceleration is
counted as part of the total weld
time or number of rotations

1 .

Increase Weld Time, Rotations, or
Distance above the “Min .” value
indicated on the Weld Parameters
setup screen

2 .

Increase spin deceleration

Weld ended at TIME limit

Weld cycle stopped
because weld time was
outside programmed
process limits

1 .

Weld process problem

2 .

Limits too narrow for weld


Check parts to be welded, fixturing,
etc .

2 .

If practical, widen process limit
window or adjust setup parameters

Table 9-II

Machine Display Messages (continued)