Parameters – Gasboy WEX Special Card Handler User Manual

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MDE-4549 Gasboy CFN Series WEX Special Card Handler V003 · February 2006


Note: Parameters identified by a leading asterisk (*) must use the value shown.

Page 1: System Parameters

The Site Controller should be configured with the System ID or Second System ID matching
the fleet number.

Lockout = bitmapped 6 digits on disk, max card = 999999.

Page 2: Club card format - field widths

* Digits in System ID = 6.

* Digits in account # = 17 or more (anything beyond will be filled with zeros).

Digits in limitation code = 0.

* Digits in authorization code = 2.

Digits in price level = 0.

* Digits in restriction code = 2.

Page 3: Club card formats - offsets

Limitation Code offset = 0.

Authorization code offset = 0.

Price level offset = 0.

Restriction code offset = 2.

Club bit-mapped account offset = 0.

Page 4: Reader

* Set lockout on local verification (reader) = Club.
Must use or the WEX.dta lockout will not be checked.