Gasboy 9100A User Manual
Page 54

GASBOY Series 9100A
5. Dispensing units equipped with an optional light assembly, should have the light assembly
tested to verify proper operation of the fluorescent light. The light control circuit may be
wired from the pump breaker (reset motor feed) or from its own separate breaker. In either
case, turn on the proper breaker and verify that the fluorescent light will light. If the light
does not come on, the light switch in the electric reset unit of the dispensing unit may be in
the "off" position (if the unit is equipped with the optional light switch). In twin dispensing
units the reset unit on the right side of the twin (the side with the serial tag) will be the one
which controls the light. To change the switch position, locate the small plastic access cap
which is located on the side of the pump, slightly below and left of the pump handle. Pull
this cap out and insert a pencil or screwdriver into this hole and press firmly inward until a
"click" sound is heard, indicating a change in the switch position. Pressing the switch again
will change the switch to its original position. When the switch selection is complete, replace
the plastic cap by pressing it firmly into its initial position.
Repeat Steps 2, 3, and 4 for Side 2 (if applicable).
The dispensing unit should go through all standard calibration procedures. (See page 6-3).
The incoming voltage to the pump and remote dispenser should be checked and any reading not
within 10% of rated voltage should be corrected before testing is continued. When dealing with
suction pumps it is good practice to take voltage readings while the suction pump is operating on
bypass and also while making a delivery. Any voltage drop in excess of 10% during either of
these operating states should be considered a low voltage condition. Corrective action should be
taken to insure an adequate power supply to the pump.
After determining that the pump is operating satisfactorily and the system is fully primed, check
the pump and piping to make sure that all connections are tight. In the case of a remote
dispenser you should follow the submersible pump manufacturer's instructions to check the
system for tightness. We recommend that the tank and all piping not be covered until this test
has been completed.
Belts (Suction Pumps Only)
Since belts do stretch slightly during the first few minutes of operation, check the belt tension
after completing the operational test; a properly tightened belt will permit twisting the belt 180
degrees midway between the motor and pump pulleys.
On the 9152A, 9153A, 9153AHC, 9152ATW2, and 9153ATW2 models, the belt can be tightened
by loosening the hex nut which holds the idler pulley and sliding the pulley to either side to obtain
the correct belt tension of 6-3/4 lbs., + 3/4 (30N, +3.3N). When the adjustment is complete,
remember to retighten the hex nut.