Introduction – Flowserve MX-85 Actuator User Manual
Page 9

Flow Control
Limitorque Actuation Systems
FCD LMAIM1341-00
MX-85/140 Maintenance and Spare Parts
1.1 Premise
The MX actuator components are separated into subassembly groupings. This manual covers the Removal and Re-
mounting procedures for each subassembly group. Use these instructions when disassembly is required for servicing,
maintenance, or parts replacement.
1.2 Important Notes and Warning Statements
Please read this Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual carefully and completely before attempting to store or perform
maintenance on your Limitorque valve actuator. Further installation, setup, and operation instructions are available in
the Installation & Operation manual (LMAIM1306) located in the actuator terminal compartment at shipment.
WARNING: Be aware of electrical hazards within the actuator and high-pressure hazards of the attached valve
or other actuated device when installing or performing maintenance on your MX actuator. Failure to observe
these pre-cautions could result in serious bodily injury, damage to the equipment, or operational difficulty.
WARNING: Do not manually operate actuator with devices other than installed handwheel and declutch lever.
Using additive force devices (cheater bars, wheel wrenches, pipe wrenches, or other devices of this nature) on
the actuator handwheel or declutch lever may cause serious per-son-al injury and/or damage to the actuator
or valve.