Web limiting, Application limiting, Web limiting application limiting – Faronics Insight User Manual

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Faronics Insight User Guide



Installing Faronics Insight

Faronics Insight Folder on Student

This option lets you specify the path of the folder on student computers. This can be on the local
hard drive or on a network drive.

Display notification on student when web is accessed

This option will turn on or off the notice that is displayed on the Student when they try to access
the Internet if Web Limiting is turned on.

Web Limiting

The Web Limiting tab lets you configure the following preferences for Limiting the Web.

Block All

This option blocks all web browsing, instant messaging and e-mail programs.

Allowed Web Sites

This option allows you to type in a list of websites that are allowed when Limit Web is turned
on.The list of web sites do not need to include the http:// or the www. prefix. One site is entered at
a time, followed by a return (enter). The lists of websites can be saved and loaded by using the
Load and Save buttons. The files are saved as .lsu files. A sample list might look like this:


Block the following Web Sites

This option allows you to type in a list of websites that are blocked when Limit Web is turned on.
The list of web sites do not need to include the http:// or the www. prefix. One site is entered at a
time, followed by a return (enter). The lists of websites can be saved and loaded by using the Load
and Save buttons. The files are saved as.lsu files to a location of your choice.

*Note: In both the Allowed and Blocked Websites sections you may use the “*” and “?” wildcards
to specify websites. Web limiting on Windows will occur with 32-bit Internet Explorer(6.x-9),
Firefox (3.x or 4.x) and Chrome. Web limiting on the Mac is supported on Safari and Firefox(3.x
or 4.x). If Web Limiting is turned on, 64-bit Internet Explorer will simply be blocked from
launching on Windows and Chrome will be blocked on Mac.

Restrict Private and IP Address Browsing

Prohibits students from using the InPrivate Browsing feature in 32-bit Internet Explorer(only)
and browsing to websites using their dotted decimal (IP Address) Internet addresses.

Application Limiting

The Application Limiting tab lets you configure the following preferences: