Features – Faronics Insight User Manual

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Installing Insight Chromebook Student



Faronics Insight User Guide


The following features are available with the Insight Chromebook Student:

Help Individual Students - The Student can interact with the Teacher by sending and receiving
messages. Students can silently send questions or request help. A small question mark appears
on the teacher's console when a Student sends a question.

View Student Thumbnails - Student thumbnails appear on the Teacher Console allowing
teachers a quick overview of what the students are working on.

Show Student Details - The details view of Chromebook student will show student name,
machine name, last website, last question and Teacher channel.

Testing - The Insight Teacher can send a test to the Chromebook student and collect the test
results. Test questions can include True / False, Multiple Choice, short answer and essay
questions. Images can also be attached to each test question.

Show Teacher Screen - The Insight Teacher has the ability to share a screen to all or select
Students allowing them to follow along.

Web Browsing - Temporarily disable all or selected student access to the web across browser.
The Teacher controls the sites the Student may browse to or may direct the Student to specific

Internet History - Shows a searchable list of web sites visited by the selected student, which
may be saved to a file.

Blank Screen - The Teacher may blank-out all student screens and disable keyboard and

Run URL - This feature allows a Teacher to run a web site on student computers.

Class list support - Chromebook student will respond to Teacher request to be loaded into a