Exporting connections, And → export, Ing connections – equinux VPN Tracker 6.4.6 User Manual

Page 37: Exporting a connection

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Exporting Connections

Whether you’re quickly exporting a VPN connection for a co-

worker, or rolling out VPN Tracker to hundreds of users, VPN

Tracker’s sophisticated export and deployment system is

there to help.

Export or Deployment?

Export creates a connection file. Users need to have previously installed
and licensed VPN Tracker on their Macs in order to use the connection file.
A connection file can include one or more connections, as well as Secure

Deployment lets you create a customized VPN Tracker application that al-
ready contains a user’s license and connection. The user simply needs to
drag this application to their Applications folder, everything else happens

Exporting a Connection

Once you have set up and tested a VPN connection, you can export your con-
nection for other VPN Tracker users.

To export a connection
‣ Select the connection
‣ Choose Export Connection… from the File menu

‣ Select a file format. To be able to export Secure Desktops or connections

that make use of VPN Tracker 6 features, select “VPN Tracker 6”. If you are
exporting for VPN Tracker 5 users, select “VPN Tracker 5 and 6”

‣ Set an encryption password for the file. Users of this connection will be re-

quired to enter the password once when importing the connection

VPN Tracker can export multiple connections in a single file.
Simply select the connections you would like to export (hold
down the Cmd key to select more than one), and choose File >