DNF Controls ST420-VSS User Manual
Page 15

ST420-VSS User Manual
Page 11 of 21
j) Set Default Cue (Used by Read Command Key)
The default cue number will be automatically assigned to all Shotbox keys
populated by the READ COMMAND KEY function (see below). A Shotbox
key press will load the selected Command Key and jump to this cue
1) Press the [ENTER DEFAULT CUES] key (shotkey #2)
2) The DEFAULT CUE is displayed in upper right section of the
3) Enter the Default Cue number using the displayed numeric keypad
on the Shotbox. Enter 0 {zero} for PREVIEW or 1 for PROGRAM.
4) Press the [ENTER] key to save the entered default cue number.
Press the [ESC] key or [BACK] key (shotkey #30) to exit without
saving changes.
k) Read Command Keys into Shotbox
Use the Read Command Keys function to read pre-defined Command
Keys in Vista Advanced and automatically assign them to Shotbox keys.
All Command Keys on page 1 will be assigned to Shotbox bank 1. All
Command Keys on pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 will be assigned to
Shotbox banks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9, respectively.
All Command Keys numbered 1 through 27, on a page, will be assigned to
Shotbox keys 1 through 27, respectively. All Command Keys numbered
greater than 27 will NOT be assigned to Shotbox keys.
1) Press the [READ CMD KEYS] key (shotkey #1). The key will turn
Please wait for the Command Key data to be loaded into the
Shotbox. This process takes several seconds.
Upon completion, the Shotbox will automatically exit the Setup
Menu and display the Command Keys assigned to the currently
selected bank.