Figure 3: af-3010 driver/pixel board -6, Figure 4: 8x16 pixel module -6 – Daktronics AF-3010-34 User Manual

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Figure 3: AF-3010 Driver/Pixel Board

Galaxy: Daktronics trademarked name for LED monochrome or tri-colored matrix

LED (light emitting diode): Low energy, high intensity lighting units.

8 pixels high by 16 pixels wide. Each is individually removable from the
front of the sign.

Figure 4: 8x16 Pixel Module

Consists of multiple signs connected to each other. Up to 240 Venus 1500
controlled displays can exist on one network.

Pixel: Cluster of four LEDs. The number and color of the LEDs depends on sign

Power Supply: Converts AC line voltage from the load center to low DC voltage for
one or more module driver boards.

Standard PC communication type with a maximum cable length of 25 feet
(7.62 meters).

RS422: Standard differential communication type with a maximum cable length of
4,000 feet (1.2 kilometers).

Sign Address: Identification number assigned to each sign of a network. Flipping
DIP switches on the controller sets the sign address. The control software uses the

