Segmentation and digit designation, Segmentation and digit designation -6, Figure 10: digit designation -6 – Daktronics DF-1060 User Manual

Page 28: 5 segmentation and digit designation

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3.5 Segmentation and Digit Designation

Reference Drawing:

Segmentation, 7 Segment Bar Digit .............................. Drawing A-38532

In each digit, certain LEDs always go on and off together. These groupings of LEDs
are referred to as “segments. Drawing A-38532 illustrates digit segmentation. It
also details which connector pin is wired to each digit segment and the wiring color
code used throughout the display.

The electrical specifications drawings listed in Section 3.2 specify the driver
connectors controlling the individual digits. Numbers displayed in hexagons in the
upper half of each digit, as shown in Figure 10, indicate which connector or
connectors are wired to that digit. The larger digits, 48" and 60", are each wired to
four connectors; while 36" digits have only two connectors.

Figure 10: Digit Designation


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