ChamSys MagicQ User Manual User Manual
Page 384

MagicQ User Manual
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A protocol for transporting DMX over Ethernet LAN.
The console supports Intensity, Position, Colour and Beam palettes. Entries in each palette can be used to quickly store and recall
your favourite looks.
A fader or button which activates a Cue Stack. The console supports physical playbacks (faders and buttons) and also virtual
playbacks through the Playbacks window.
An attribute type - attributes of an intelligent head that modify the position of the beam are categorised as position attributes. Pan
and Tilt are Pan Lo and Tilt Lo are normally the only attributes of this type.
The functional area of the MagicQ where show data is set up before it is recorded into Cues.
Record button is used to record items into memory.
Record Merge
A method of merging the Programmer contents into an existing Cue
Record Remove
A method of removing the Programmer contents into an existing Cue
Loading the current outputs into the Programmer.
Offset between heads in an FX.
Short for Cue Stack.
Stack Store
Short for Cue Stack Store.
Touch Screen
The display supports a touch screen enabling functions of the console to be accessed by simply pressing the screen in the
appropriate place.
A collection of 512 DMX channels.
Universal Serial Bus - a serial bus available on all new PCs and lap-tops since around 1996.
USB stick
A USB device for storing show data and for transferring data to or from PCs.
The console support several views for each Window, selectable using the top left soft buttons.
In addition the console stores complete Window Layouts comprising the details of Window position and sizes. These can be
recalled using CTRL and the top soft buttons.
Waveform FX
The core waveform FX contained on the console such as Circle, RGB, Sine, Pulse, etc. . . The waveform FX contains value
information for up to 3 attributes and 1 or more heads.
MagicQ supports both programming (Mini, PC, Maxi) wings and playback (Playback, Execute, Extra) wings.