Debug mode (must be 0), Standard logging, Extended logging – ChamSys MagicQ User Manual User Manual
Page 344: General settings, Splash screen image, Individual playback settings, Calibrating the touch screen, Displays brightness and contrast, 11debug mode (must be 0), 12standard logging

MagicQ User Manual
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Debug Mode (Must be 0)
For ChamSys internal debugging only. Must be set to 0.
Standard Logging
This option allows logging to be disabled. This option should always be enabled except when directed by ChamSys support.
Extended Logging
This option allows extended logging to be enabled. ChamSys support may request that Extended Logging is enabled in order to
try to solve problems.
General Settings
Splash screen image
Users can now add their own splash screen by copying their splash image named usersplash.bmp into the MagicQ folder. This
will be used in favour of the default splash.bmp.
Individual Playback Settings
Settings for individual Playbacks (Cue Stacks) are configured from the View Options and View Defaults views in the Cue Stacks
Window. See
Calibrating the touch screen
If the touch screen does not respond accurately to the position that you are pressing on the screen then you may need to re-calibrate
the touch screen. Don’t be afraid, this is a painless exercise!
In the Setup Window press the Cal Touch button - use the physical button rather than the pressing the touch screen. This puts
the screen into calibration mode. To calibrate the touch screen simply press the screen in the bottom left corner of the screen and
then the top right corner of the screen. Press the screen on the corners where the displayed graphics starts/ends.
It does not matter which order you press the screen in. If you feel you have pressed the wrong bit of the screen just press the
screen again in the correct position.
When you are satisfied you have pressed the correct position then press Cal Touch button to leave the calibration mode. Make
sure you use the physical button rather than pressing the touch screen, as pressing the touch screen messes up the calibration.
You should now find that the touch screen is more accurate. If you continue to have problems then try pressing the screen with a
small blunt object, but don’t use a sharp object as it may damage the touch screen.
When calibrating external touch screens calibrate only 1 touch screen at a time. Pressing in more than one screen will cause
unpredictable results.
Displays brightness and contrast
To modify the brightness of the main display, press CTRL and adjust the bottom right encoder. To modify the brightness of the
LCD displays on the wing, press CTRL and adjust the next encoder up on the right. To turn all the displays off press CTRL and
the button associated with the bottom right encoder.