Controlling magicq using tcp/ip, Chamsys remote ethernet protocol, 32 controlling magicq using tcp/ip – ChamSys MagicQ User Manual User Manual
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MagicQ User Manual
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Chapter 32
Controlling MagicQ using TCP/IP
MagicQ consoles and MagicQ PC/Mac software supports the use of an network protocol for controlling external devices, such
as media servers, video or automation computers.
The protocol can also be used to remote control MagicQ consoles or MagicQ software via a simple set of text commands.
Note that the use of the ChamSys Remote Ethernet Protocol on MagicQ PC/Mac is only enabled when it is connected to a
MagicQ Wing or Interface (not MagicDMX).
On MagicQ commands are placed in the Macro field of the Cue Stack and are transmitted when the Cue starts to execute. In
addition MagicQ will accept commands received according to a pre-defined protocol.
ChamSys Remote Ethernet Protocol is not supported when net session mode is in use.
ChamSys Remote Ethernet Protocol
Enable ChamSys Remote Ethernet Protocol in the View Settings view of the Setup Window.
ChamSys Remote Ethernet Protocol is an open protocol – i.e. you do not need permission to use it for your own purposes. It is a
UDP/IP based protocol using port 6553 in broadcast mode.
The port number can be changed in setup, View Settings, Network, Playback Sync Port.
The structure of the UDP/IP packets are a ChamSys CREP header followed by the remote commands:
long32 chamsys;
word16 version;
byte seq_fwd;
byte seq_bkwd;
word16 length;
byte data;
where long32 is 4 bytes, word16 is 2 bytes and byte is 1 byte.
ChamSys is 4 characters C R E P. Note that on MagicQ this is stored as little-endian, so that on the network it will appear as P E
R C.
The version is initially 0 and allows for future expansion of the protocol.
The fwd sequence number is an incrementing sequence number. It enables the receiving end to determine if packets are missed.
In addition the receiving end should sends back the last sequence number it received in the backward sequence number.
Length is the length of the data field. It does not include the length of the ChamSys header.
From v1.6.6.0 support is added for ChamSys Remote Ethernet Protocol Messages without the ChamSys CREP header - this
allows easier integration with external systems but reduces the amount of checking of messages performed. In Setup, View
Settings, Network, set Ethernet remote protocol to "ChamSys Rem (rx no header)", "ChamSys Rem (tx no header), or "ChamSys
Rem (tx + rx no header)".