Conversion of a sof-file in the jic-file format, Figure 20, 2 conversion of a sof-file in the jic-file format – BECKHOFF EL9800 Basisplatine User Manual
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Altera Quartus II Programmer™
Figure 20
Quartus II Programmer Dialog after „Auto-Detect“ processing
3.2 Conversion of a SOF-File in the JIC-file format
In the example the EEPROM, connected with the FPGA, can be programmed using the “JTAG-Indirect”
Mode exclusively. Therefore the binary files generated from the Altera Quartus II
™ have to be converted
in the JIC-
format before programming of the EEPROM can take place. Selecting the “File” menu and
„Convert Programming File…“ the „Convert Programming Files…” dialog (see Figure 21) is
opened. FPGA type, EEPROM, source and destination file format have to be set before the conversion
process can be started.
The steps below have to be followed to convert the programming file in the JIC-format:
„Programming file type“ JTAG Indirect Configuration File (.jic) auswählen
„Configuration device:“ EPCS16 (In case of the EtherCAT postage stamp FB1122)
„File Name:“ File and path name of the JIC-file has to be entered here.
Select „Flash Loader“ and click on „Add Device“. At this point select the FPAG-Type, which in this
case is the Cyclone III EP3C25.
Select „SOF Data“ and click on „Add File“ to select the SOF source file.
6. Start the conversion process by clicking on
„Generate“ and confirm opening messages.