Altera quartus ii programmer, Figure 17 quartus ii programmer, 3 altera quartus ii prog rammer – BECKHOFF EL9800 Basisplatine User Manual

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Altera Quartus II Programmer™



3 Altera Quartus II Prog


Using the onboard FPGA-Programmer interface described in chapter 2.9, FPGAs from the manufacturer
Altera can be programmed with. Therefore the programming software Altera Quartus II Programmer

can be downloaded from the Altera website (

) for free, which runs independent from the


™ development environment.

Figure 17 Qua

rtus II Programmer™

In the following the steps necessary to program a FPGA-based EtherCAT postage stamp are described:

1. Choose the programming hardware

2. Conversion of the SOF-File in the JIC format

3. Selecting the program file

4. Programming of a FPGA or EEPROM