Stepper motor – Avery Dennison Rewinder User Manual

Page 14

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Manual Rewind Option


Rev. 2.09


Stepper motor

The stepper motor is the driving part of the unit. Driven and controlled by the printer - is the
only intelligent part on the rewinder the optical encoder of the dancer arm. Controlling speed
and position of the rewinder.

Assembly/Disassembly stepper motor

• open two cross recessed screws and
the back cover part can be removed

• remove cover carefully over the stepper

• as well during assembly and
disassembly the wires should be

• the two hexagonal screws of the
tighten part are now visible

• the fore hexagonal screws of the
stepper motor are now easy to reach
open them and the stepper can be r

• the gear is pressed to the axle and
can not be removed

• during assembly watch the position
of the stepper - otherwise the motor
cable will block the cover


cross recessed head size 1
hexagonal socket SW 3