Installing and printing with dg/ux -17 – Digi MIL-3000FTX User Manual

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MIL-3000FTX Series of FastPort Print Servers


5.6.2 Installing and Printing with DG/UX

After adding the IP/Ethernet addresses, define a printer. Before doing so,
configure FastPort (if not already done so). Use the “Use-ACK” setting for
the parallel port when printing to impact printers. Define the printer by
using sysadm:

Device -> Printer -> Devices -> Add

1. Enter the printer name (for example, “laser”).

Printer name: laser

2. Add a connection: “remote to networked printer device.”

Connection type: [Local /dev/tty or /dev/lp] Remote
to networked printer device

3. Accept the Quick Add feature by pressing Enter.

Quick Add using default values? [yes]


4. Supply a printer type (e.g., DG model 6773 PS printer). To view a list of

valid printer types, type [?] and press [Enter].

Printer type: [printer-80] PS-b

5. Enter an input type. For PostScript printers, type “PS.”

Input types: [simple] PS

6. Enter the interface script name.

Interface script: [termprinter] fastport

7. Enter the name of the printer device.

For a list of attached devices, check the file


or use sysadm

to list the host names that NIS provides.

Networked printer device name: fastport2-pr

8. Enter the port number of the printer on the network printer server. Port

numbering for FastPort includes:

– 3100FTX: 2000 for the parallel port and 2001 for the serial port

– 3200FTX: 2010 (2000) and 2011 for parallel ports 1 & 2; 2020 (2001)

for the serial port

– 3310FTX: 2010 (2000) and 2011 for parallel ports 1 & 2, 2012 for

parallel port 3; 2020 (2021) for the serial port