ARRIS 2247-N8-10NA (v9.1.x) Admin Handbook User Manual
Page 43

set ip6 conn name name dhcp-server addr-count value [ 0 - 256 ]
The number of IPv6 addresses available to serve to DHCPv6 stateful clients. If the
parameter is set
to zero, the DHCPv6 server operates in “stateless” mode.
set ip6 conn name name dhcp-server start-addr-offset value [ 0 - 65536 ]
If the
parameter is greater than zero, the start address is an offset from the base address of the
prefix which is assigned to the LAN conn.
set ip6 conn name name dhcp-server dns-server optional IPv6 address
IPv6 address of advertised DNS server (optiona).
IPv6 DHCP Server
set ip6 dhcp-server enable [ on | off ]
Globally enables or disables DHCPv6 servers on all IPv6 LAN conns. The default is
set ip6 dhcp-server information-only [ off | on ]
When set to
DHCPv6 servers on all IPv6 LAN conns operate in stateless “information-only” mode. The
default is
set ip6 dhcp-server preference 255
Sets the preference option, as defined in RFC1315, sec. 22.8. The preference option in the server’s Advertise
message may assist a DHCPv6 client in selecting from more than one server on the LAN.
set ip6 dhcp-server authoritative [ on | off ]
If a client requests an IP address on a given network segment that the server knows is not valid for that seg-
ment, and
is set to
, the server will respond with a DHCPNAK message, causing the client to
forget its IP address and try to get a new one. If
is set to
, the server will ignore the client’s
request. The default is
set ip6 dhcp-server rapid-commit [ on | off ]
Enables or disables the rapid commit option per rfc3315 sec 22.14. (
tion-22.14) The default is
set ip6 dhcp-server unicast [ off | on ]
Enables or disables server unicast option per rfc3315 sec 22.12. (
22.12) The default is
set ip6 dhcp-server leasequery [ off | on ]
Enables or disables DHCPv6 Leasequery option per rfc5007. ( The default is