AMETEK SGI Series User Manual
Page 90

Calibration and Verification
Sorensen SGI Series
M550221-01 Rev AA
At power-up the power supply will attempt to acquire an IP address from a
DHCP server. If it cannot find a DHCP server to assign an address, it will
assign itself a link-local address. If no other device is using that link-local
address, it will use it for 5 minutes minimum. At that time, if it is already in
communication with some other device, it will hold onto the link-local address
until the communication is finished and then retry DHCP. If DHCP is not
available, the power supply will revert to the last successful link-local address
for another 5 minutes minimum.
The Server Port Menu is used to set the network TCP/IP
socket listening port. Valid values are 1025 to 65535. The
factory default setting is 9221. To change, press NavPad
up/down or use the numeric keys to enter specific values.
Press F4 to save the change or press F1 to return to the
Ethernet menu without changing anything.
The Static IP menu allows manual setting not only of the IP
address, but also subnet mask, gateway and Domain
Name Server (DNS) server. The four IP octets in each field
are edited one at a time. Navigate to each octet by
pressing NavPad left/right, then change the value by either
pressing NavPad up/down or by entering a specific value
with the numeric keys.
IP: input any standard IP address. (Factory setting is Press F4
to save the changes or press F1 to return to the Ethernet menu without
changing anything.
MASK: input a value that identifies which network segment your power supply
is on, consisting of 4 whole numbers, each ranging from 0 through 255,
separated by periods. (Factory setting is, a class-C network
subnet mask). Press F4 to save the change or press F1 to return to the
Ethernet menu without changing anything.
GATE: input the IP Address of any gateway that stands between the
instrument and any other network entities that communicate with the power
supply. (No factory setting). Press F4 to save the change or press F1 to return
to the Ethernet menu without changing anything.
DNS: input an IP address for the Domain Name System (DNS) server. Press
F4 to save the change or press F1 to return to the Ethernet menu without
changing anything.