Chapter 47: timeline object, Timeline object, Adds a new scene – Adobe Extending Flash Professional CS4 User Manual
Page 485: Deletes the current scene, And if the deleted, To select a frame or frames, such as, Read-only; the timeline object for the screen. see
Chapter 47: Timeline object
Flash MX 2004.
The Timeline object represents the Flash timeline, which can be accessed for the current document by using
. This method returns the timeline of the current scene or symbol that is
being edited.
When you work with scenes, each scene’s timeline has an index value, and can be accessed for the current document
. (In this example,
is the index of the value of the timeline.)
When you work with frames by using the methods and properties of the Timeline object, remember that the frame
value is a zero-based index (not the actual frame number in the sequence of frames in the timeline). That is, the first
frame has a frame index of 0.
Method summary
The following methods are available for the Timeline object:
Adds a motion guide layer above the current layer and attaches the
current layer to the newly added guide layer.
Adds a new layer to the document and makes it the current layer.
Deletes all the contents from a frame or range of frames on the current
Converts a keyframe to a regular frame and deletes its contents on the
current layer.
Converts frames to blank keyframes on the current layer.
Converts a range of frames to keyframes (or converts the selection if no
frames are specified) on the current layer.
Copies a range of frames on the current layer to the clipboard.
Copies motion on selected frames, either from a motion tween or from
frame-by-frame animation, so it can be applied to other frames.
Copies motion on selected frames, either from a motion tween or from
frame-by-frame animation, to the clipboard as ActionScript 3.0 code.
Sets the
for each selected
keyframe on the current layer, and converts each frame’s contents to a
single symbol instance if necessary.
Cuts a range of frames on the current layer from the timeline and saves
them to the clipboard.
Deletes a layer.
Expands or collapses the specified folder or folders.
Finds an array of indexes for the layers with the given name.