The zgate embedded security development kit – Zilog EZ80F91GA User Manual

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ZGATE Embedded Security Development Kit

User Manual


The ZGATE Embedded Security
Development Kit

ZGATE technology incorporates the eZ80F91 MCU and Zilog’s full-featured TCP/IP
stack with a world-class embedded firewall. This highly-configurable firewall protects the
ZTP networking layers from attack by discarding suspicious packets before they reach
ZTP and your embedded application. The ZGATE firewall includes a static packet filter-
ing engine that filters packets according to user-defined configuration rules and a stateful
packet inspection engine that can automatically filter suspicious packets based on unusual
activity. Additionally, select ZGATE products include threshold-filtering mechanisms that
can minimize the affect of packet floods.

Zilog’s ZGATE Embedded Security Development Kit, part number ZGATE000100ZCOG,
provides a general-purpose platform for creating a design based on this eZ80F91 micro-
controller, which has been preprogrammed with a ZGATE security code. The eZ80F91
MCU is a member of Zilog’s eZ80AcclaimPlus! product family, which offers an on-chip
EMAC and Flash memory.

This document provides instructions for setting up and configuring your ZGATE Embedded
Security Development Board and includes schematic diagrams and a discussion of Board
features and ZDS II.

The first sections of this document guide you through the following tasks:

Download and Install the ZDS II Software and Documentation

on page 4

Installing the USB Smart Cable Driver

on page 4

Installing the FTDI USB-to-UART Driver

on page 7

Connecting the ZGATE Embedded Security Development Board to your PC

on page 8

Starting the ZGATE Demo Sample Program

on page 11

Further details, including memory configurations, jumper settings and a listing of sample
projects can be found in

Appendix A. ZGATE Embedded Security Development Board


page 105.

Figure 1 shows an image of the ZGATE Embedded Security Development Kit.