Altera PowerPlay Early Power Estimator User Manual

Page 24

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PowerPlay Early Power Estimator For Stratix II, Stratix II GX & HardCopy II

January 2007

PowerPlay Early Power Estimator Inputs

Table 3–2

describes the values that need to be entered in the Logic section

of the PowerPlay Early Power Estimator.

Table 3–2. Logic Section Information (Part 1 of 2)

Column Heading



Enter a name for each module of the design.

Clock Freq (MHz)

Enter a clock frequency (in MHz). This value must be in the range of 0 to 550 MHz.

100 MHz with a 12.5% toggle means that each LUT or flip flop output toggles
12.5 million times per second (100 × 12.5%).

Combinational ALUTs

Enter the number of combinational ALUTs.

For Stratix II and Stratix II GX this is the sum of “combinational with no register”,
“combinational with register”, and “unavailable” ALUTs from the Quartus II
Compilation Report Resource Usage Summary section.

For the number of Adaptive LUTs used, add the values from the following rows in the
Fitter Resource Usage Summary:

-- 7 input functions

-- 6 input functions

-- 5 input functions

-- 4 input functions

-- 3 input functions

-- Combinational cells for routing

Each Stratix II and Stratix II GX Adaptive Logic Module (ALM) contains up to two
combinational ALUTs. Smaller ALUTs consume less power than larger ALUTs, but
the device can fit more of them. The total number of ALUTs in the design should not
exceed (number of ALMs) × 2.

For HardCopy II, the number of ALUTs is estimated based on the number of HCELLs
and HCELL Macros used in the design. Generally, the number of ALUTs of the
HardCopy II should be comparable to the number of ALUTs for the equivalent Stratix II

# FFs

Enter the number of flip flops in the module.

For all devices this is the sum of “register only” and “combinational with a register”
ALUTs from the Quartus II Compilation Report Resource Usage Summary.

For HardCopy II, the number of flip flops is determined from the Stratix II fit report.

Clock routing power is calculated separately on the Clocks sheet