The aurora advanced vs control system cont, Field selectable options via software, Basic aurora safety features – WaterFurnace 7 Series User Manual

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Variable Speed ECM Configuration Mode

The control is placed in the variable speed ECM

configuration mode by holding the push-button switch SW1

for 5 to 10 seconds, the high, low, and G variable speed ECM

speeds can be selected by following the LED display lights.

LED2 (yellow) will fast flash when entering the variable

speed ECM configuration. When setting G speed LED3

(green) will be continuously lit, for low speed LED1 (red) will

be continuously lit, and for high speed both LED3 (green)

and LED1 (red) will be continuously lit. During the variable

speed ECM configuration mode LED2 (yellow) will flash each

of the 12 possible blower speeds 3 times. When the desired

speed is flashed press SW1, LED2 will fast flash until SW1 is

released. G speed has now been selected. Next select low

speed, and high speed blower selections following the same

process above. After third selection has been made, the

control will exit the variable speed ECM configuration mode.

Aux blower speed will remain at default or current setting

and requires the AID Tool for adjustment.

Reset Configuration Mode

The control is placed in reset configuration mode by holding

the push button switch SW1 on the ABC for 50 to 60 seconds.

This will reset all configuration settings and the EEPROM

back to the factory default settings. LED3 (green) will turn off

when entering reset configuration mode. Once LED3 (green)

turns off, release SW1 and the control will reset.

ABC DIP Switch (SW2)

SW2-1 FP1 Selection – Low water coil temperature limit

setting for freeze detection. On = -1.1°C; Off = -9.4°C.

SW2-2 FP2 Selection – Low air coil temperature limit setting

for freeze detection. On = -1.1°C; Off = Not Used

SW2-3 RV – O/B - thermostat type. Heat pump

thermostats with “O” output in cooling or “B”

output in Heating can be selected. On = O; Off = B.

SW2-4 Access Relay Operation (P2)

and 2-5

Access Relay Operation



Cycle with Blower



Cycle with Compressor



Water Valve Slow Opening



Cycle with Comm. T-stat Hum Cmd



SW2-6 CC Operation – selection of single or dual capacity

compressor. On = Single Stage; Off = Dual Capacity

NOTE: SW2-6 is not applicable to the 7 Series

SW2-7 Lockout and Alarm Outputs (P2) – selection of a

continuous or pulsed output for both the LO and

ALM Outputs. On = Continuous; Off = Pulsed

NOTE: SW2-7 is not applicable to the 7 Series

SW2-8 Future Use

Alarm Jumper Clip Selection

From the factory, ALM is connected to 24 VAC via JW2. By

cutting JW2, ALM becomes a dry contact connected to ALG.

Variable Speed ECM Blower Speeds

The blower speeds can be changed either by using the

variable speed ECM manual configurations mode method

or by using the Aurora AID Tool directly (see Instruction

Guide: Aurora Interface and Diagnostics (AID) Tool topic).

AXB DIP Switch (SW1)

DIP 1 - ID: This is the AXB ModBus ID and should always

read On.

DIP 2 & 3 - Future Use

DIP 4 & 5 - Accessory Relay2: A second, DIP configurable,

accessory relay is provided that can be cycled with the

compressor 1 or 2 , blower, or the Dehumidifier (DH)

input. This is to complement the Accessory 1 Relay on

the ABC board.








Cycles with blower or ECM (or G)




Cycles with CC1 first stage of compressor

or compressor spd 1-12




Cycles with CC2 second stage of

compressor or compressor spd 7-12




Cycles with DH input from ABC board

Field Selectable Options via Software

(Selectable via the Aurora AID Tool)

Many options are field selectable and configurable in

Aurora software via the AID Tool. Consult the installation

manual or Aurora documentation for further details.

Basic Aurora Safety Features

The following safety features are provided to protect the

compressor, heat exchangers, wiring and other components

from damage caused by operation outside of design


Fuse – a 3 amp automotive type plug-in fuse provides

protection against short circuit or overload conditions.

Anti-Short Cycle Protection – 4 minute anti-short cycle

protection for the compressor.

Random Start – 5 to 80 second random start upon power up.

Fault Retry – in the fault condition, the control will stage off

the outputs and then “try again” to satisfy the thermostat

VS call. Once the thermostat input calls are satisfied,

the control will continue on as if no fault occurred. If 3

consecutive faults occur without satisfying the thermostat

VS call, then the control will go to Lockout mode.

The Aurora Advanced VS Control System cont.