The aurora advanced vs control system cont, Monitoring sensor kits, Special modes and applications – WaterFurnace 7 Series User Manual

Page 25: Field hardware selectable options

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Home Automation 2 – E24 HA2

With a closed dry contact signal, this input will cause an

alarm and Alert Code 24 to indicate on the stat or flash

on ABC. The AID Tool will allow configuration of this input

between the following selections:

• No Action

• Home Automation Fault [no lockout info only] -

Output from home automation system

• Security Alarm [no lockout info only] - Output

from home security

• Sump Alarm Fault [no lockout info only] - Switch

output from sump sensor

• Smoke/CO Alarm Fault [no lockout info only] -

Switch output from Smoke/CO sensor

• Dirty Filter Alarm [no lockout info only] - Output

from dirty filter sensor

Monitoring Sensor Kits

Energy Monitoring

(Standard on all 7 Series units)

The Energy Monitoring Kit includes two current transducers

(blower and electric heat) added to the existing two

compressor sensors so that the complete power usage of

the heat pump can be measured. The AID Tool provides

configuration detail for the type of blower motor and a line

voltage calibration procedure to improve the accuracy. This

information can be displayed on the AID Tool or selected

communicating thermostats. The TPCM32U04 will display

instantaneous energy use while the color touchscreen

TPCC32U01 will, in addition, display a 13 month history in

graph form.

Refrigerant Monitoring

(Standard on all 7 Series units)

The optional Refrigerant Monitoring Kit includes two

pressure transducers, and three temperature sensors,

heating liquid line, suction temperature and existing cooling

liquid line (FP1). These sensors allow the measurement of

discharge and suction pressures, suction and liquid line

temperatures as well as superheat and subcooling. This

information will only be displayed on the AID Tool.

Performance Monitoring

(Optional sensor kit)

The optional Performance Monitoring Kit includes three

temperature sensors, entering and leaving water, leaving

air temperature and a water flow rate sensor. With this kit

heat of extraction and rejection will be calculated. This

requires configuration using the AID Tool for selection of

water or antifreeze.

Special Modes and Applications

Communicating Digital Thermostats

The Aurora VS controls system also requires either the
monochromatic or color touch screen graphic display
thermostats for user interface. These displays not only
feature easy to use graphical interface but display alerts
and faults in plain English.

‘SuperBoost’ Cooling Mode

Occasionally there can be a requirement for a short term
‘boost’ of cooling capacity during a large party etc. The
7 Series allows the user to select ‘SuperBoost’ mode on
the thermostat which will allow the 7 Series VS to ramp
up an extra 30% of cooling capacity if needed. This extra
‘SuperBoost’ will only be available for a 24 hr period and
then the unit will revert to normal operation. The short term
boost does not affect ground loop sizing since it is limited
in operation. Continuous use of SuperBoost will result in
overheating of the ground loop.

Dehumidification – Active

Active dehumidification will only activate during cooling
operation and is based upon the humidity setpoint of the
thermostat being at least 5% below the actual relative
humidity and being within the temperature parameters
described here. The green status LED will flash code 2
when active. The unit can operate a maximum of 1.1°C
below the cooling setpoint. The compressor will ramp up
and airflow will begin at a low level. Airflow is then reduced
periodically until air coil temperature setpoint is reached. If
coil temperature continues to drop, the airflow is increased
until air coil setpoint is maintained. After 20 minutes of
operation in the Active Dehumidification mode, normal
cooling operation will resume for 5 minutes. This cycle
continues until the dehumidification setpoint is reached,
room temperature is more than 1.1°C below cooling
setpoint, or more than 0.6°C above cooling setpoint
(normal cooling takes over). In IntelliZone2 systems, the
main zone will remain open during active dehumidification.

Field Hardware Selectable Options

ABC Field Selectable Options via Button (SW1)

Test/Configuration Button (See SW1 Operation Table)

Test Mode

The control is placed in the test mode by holding the push
button switch on the ABC SW1 for 2 - 5 seconds. In test
mode most of the control timings will be shortened by a
factor of sixteen (16). LED3 (green) will flash at 1 second
on and 1 second off. Additionally, when entering test mode
LED1 (red) will flash the last lockout one time. Test mode
will automatically time out after 30 minutes. Test mode can
be exited by pressing and holding the SW1 button for 2 to
5 seconds or by cycling the power. NOTE: Test mode will

automatically be exited after 30 minutes.

The Aurora Advanced VS Control System cont.