SpectraCal CalMAN 3D LUT Software Files User Manual
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Corporate: +1 206 420 7514 | Tech Support: +1 206 457 8949 |
1. In the CalMAN AutoCal Setup dialog, select the File Format to be 3DL, select the Output Cube
Size to be 17 Points, and name your LUT in the File Path dialog.
2. Click OK in the AutoCal Setup dialog and wait for the CalMAN AutoCube calibration process to
3. In Autodesk Lustre, with an image file loaded, open the Input LUT menu. In the LUT List, click the
Browse button to open the Import file browser. Navigate to the appropriate source folder and
select one or more LUT files. Click Import.
Autodesk Fire
1. In the CalMAN AutoCal Setup dialog, select the File Format to be 3DL, select the Output Cube
Size to be 17 Points, and name your LUT in the File Path dialog.
2. When the CalMAN AutoCube calibration process is complete, copy the .3dl LUT file to the ~/lut
folder in the Fire home directory.
3. In the Fire init.cfg file, under the 3DLUT keyword heading, add the following line for the 3D LUT
file you added to the ~/lut folder: 3DLUT
Player and the View menu for the reference buffer overlay.
Autodesk Flame, Flint, Inferno, Smoke
1. In the CalMAN AutoCal Setup dialog, select the File Format to be 3DL, select the Output Cube
Size to be 17 Points, and name your LUT in the File Path dialog.
2. Click OK in the AutoCal Setup dialog and wait for the CalMAN AutoCube calibration process to
3. In Autodesk Flame, Flint, Inferno, or Smoke, with an image file loaded, open the LUT Preferences
menu and select the 3D LUT tab. Click the Import button to open the Import LUT browser.
Navigate to the 3D LUT file you want to use, and select it to load it to the 3D LUT list. Highlight
the desired LUT and click the Select button to apply the LUT to the image.
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve:
1. In the CalMAN AutoCal Setup dialog, select the File Format to be CUBE, select the Output Cube
Size to be 17 Points, and name your LUT in the File Path dialog.
2. When the CalMAN AutoCube calibration process is complete, copy the .cube LUT file to your
computer system’s /Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/LUT folder.
3. In DaVinci Resolve, with an image file loaded, right-click on the node in the top-right corner,
navigate to the folder where you saved the LUT file, and select it to apply the LUT to the file.
Chaos Group Pdplayer:
1. In the CalMAN AutoCal Setup dialog, select the File Format to be 3DL, select the Output Cube
Size to be 17 Points, and name your LUT in the File Path dialog.
2. When the CalMAN AutoCube calibration process is complete, copy the .3dl LUT file to a folder
on your editing computer.
3. In Pdplayer, with an image file loaded, right-click on the Lookup Table chooser, select Import,
then select the .3dl LUT file to apply it to the file.