SpectraCal CalMAN 3D LUT Software Files User Manual
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5. Under Video Range, select “SMPTE (16-235)” if you are calibrating a video display that clips
or compresses signals above reference white, as tested on the CalMAN Dynamic Range
6. Click OK.
5. Display Validation
In the Display Validation section of the Color Cube workflow, you can test the performance of the display
to verify the accuracy of the 3D calibration LUT. You can switch back to the Display Pre-Test section to
compare to the pre-calibration performance.
Import CalMAN LUT File into your Imaging Software
Following are selections for the LUT file size and format that are required for different popular graphics
software, plus information on how to import and load the LUT file within each different software
program. However, be careful to not burn the display calibration LUT into the footage, or the footage
will look correct only on that display.
Adobe After Effects:
1. In the CalMAN AutoCal Setup dialog, select the File Format to be 3DL, select the Output Cube
Size to be 64 Points, and name your LUT in the File Path dialog.
2. When the CalMAN AutoCube calibration process is complete, copy the .3dl LUT file to a folder
on your editing computer.
3. In Adobe After Effects, with an image file open, select Effect > Utility > Apply Color LUT, then
select the LUT file from your drive.
Apple Color:
1. In the CalMAN AutoCal Setup dialog, select the File Format to be MGA, select the Output Cube
Size to be 16 Points, and name your LUT in the File Path dialog.
2. When the CalMAN AutoCube calibration process is complete, copy the .mga LUT file to a folder
on your editing computer.
3. In Apple Color, select File > Import > Display LUT, select the .mga LUT file you created, using the
Load LUT dialog, then click Load.
Assimilate Scratch:
1. In the CalMAN AutoCal Setup dialog, select the File Format to be 3DL, select the Output Cube
Size to be 32 Points, and name your LUT in the File Path dialog.
2. When the CalMAN AutoCube calibration process is complete, copy the .3dl LUT file to a folder
on your editing computer.
3. In Assimilate Scratch, with an image file loaded, under Source Transform, select Custom/Load to
select the LUT and apply it to the file.
Autodesk Lustre