Sysx, Sysx, page 1 of 3 - bulk dump/load – Rocktron MIDI Raider User Manual
Page 69

The SYSX program allows the user to perform a bulk dump or bulk
load of the entire MIDI raider programmable memory, as well as cre-
ate a system exclusive MIDI string up to 30 bytes long for each preset
to communicate device and manufacturer specific information.
SYSX, Page 1 of 3 - Bulk Dump/Load
The first page of the SYSX program, Bulk Dump/Load, allows
for the user to perform a Bulk Dump or load of the MIDI raider
programmable memory.
To access the SYSX program:
() To access sYsX, press the "2nD" button to activate the sec-
ondary button functions.
() Press the "sYsX" button. The l.e.D. above the "sYsX" but-
ton will flash and the MIDI Raider will display the first page of
the sYsX program.
To perform a bulk dump or load:
() Use the "InC" and "DeC" switches directly below the current
dump/load status displayed to select whether a Bulk Dump or
Bulk load is to be performed.
*If a Bulk load is to be performed, the MIDI raider must
display this editing page and "lOaD" must be selected for the
MIDI raider to receive a Bulk Dump from another device.
() If a Bulk Dump is to be performed, press the "CTr sTOre"
button to initiate the dump.
When receiving a Bulk Load, it is important that the data loaded
to the MIDI Raider is not transmitted faster than it was originally
dumped from the MIDI Raider. If information is sent too fast to
the MIDI Raider, a "Buffer Overflow" error will occur.
When dumping information from a data storage device, such as an
Alesis Data Disk, it is necessary to perform the dump in sequence
mode rather than sysx mode. Sequence mode will dump the
information back to the MIDI Raider at the same speed as it was
received from the MIDI Raider. The MIDI Raider can receive a data
dump at about 65Hz (or about 1 byte every 15 milliseconds).