Hanna Instruments HI 720 Series User Manual
Page 36

A modem connection can be established between HI 720 and a remote compu-
ter over telephone line. Two different types of remote connection are possible:
• Over the GSM network, connecting the HI 504900 cellular module to the
RS485 port of HI 720.
To enable the modem connection with HI 504900, first configure the cellular
phone (refer to “Short Messaging Service” section for more details) and in par-
ticular choose the “HI 504900 GSM module” connection type. Then set item
P.02 (“Call answer enable”) to “On”.
A SIM card able to receive data calls must be used.
• Over a standard analog telephone line, connecting the HI 504902 modem
module to the HI 720 RS485 port.
To enable the modem connection with HI 504902,
choose the “HI 504902 Modem” connection type,
then set P.02 to “On” and finally set P.03 with the
dialling code of the country where the instrument is
installed (for example “049” for Germany or “001”
for United States).
The HI 504902 modem module must be connected to the HI 720
RS485 port (not necessary to the telephone line), and switched on
while the previous configuration is carried out.
If the country code is shorter than 3 characters, fill the code with
zeros in front (for example the country code “49” must be entered
as “049” or the country code “1” must be entered as “001”).
The modem present in the HI 504902 module is Telecom certified
for working in all the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Aus-
tria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Czech Repub-
lic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hun-
gary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea,
Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore,
Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan,
Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
If your country is not present in the list, please contact your Dealer.
The modem connection (both with HI 504900 and HI 504902) allows the user
to ask the controller from a remote position about its current status & readings,
and change some parameters, while for receiving alarm indications it is neces-
sary to install the HI 504900 cellular module.
When the SIM card is recharged, its expiration date has to be manually updated
(setup items P.17 to P.19).
The instrument compares the expiration date with the current date (from RTC),
and two weeks before the expiration date the following message is sent to the
programmed phone number(s): “Rem_msg: xxx; The HI720 SIM card will expire
on: DD-MM-YYYY. Please recharge or substitute it”. The same message will also
be sent one week before and the day before the expiration date. This particular
warning does not need confirmation.
If the expiration date is reached without any update of items P.17 to P.19, then
the “GSM/Modem module error” will be switched on and no more messages
will be sent by the instrument until the error is closed, by updating the expiration
If the SIM card has unlimited credit, the setup item P.14 has to be set to “222”,
that means unlimited number of messages. The number of remaining messages
will never be decremented and no check will be performed on the SIM expiration
date. Moreover, at the beginning of the SMS the remaining messages warning
(“Rem_msg: xxx”) will be not present.
It is also possible to ask information (about current readings and active errors) to
the HI 720 from a cellular phone different from the one(s) selected through the
items P.12 and P.13. This is accomplished by sending to the instrument the SMS
“+Pxx”, where “xx” indicates the ID of the HI 720 (setup item G.11).
The instrument will recognize the command and reply with the requested infor-
If a communication problem occurs during the normal functioning of the instru-
ment, the “GSM/Modem module error” will be switched on and no SMS will be
submitted until this error will be disactivated (when this error occurs, the instru-
ment will try repeatedly to initialize the cellular engine and the error will be
disactivated only after a successful initialization, or if the SMS service is disabled
by setting the item P.00 to “PC”).