Sms) – Hanna Instruments HI 720 Series User Manual

Page 34

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It is possible to connect the controller to a GSM cellular engine (HI 504900 or
HI 504901). This connection enables the instrument to send SMS to one (or
two) cellular phone(s) and through this feature the device can be monitored at
any moment. Moreover, if an error occurs on the HI 720, it is possible to receive
an alarm SMS which immediately advises about the problem.
The SMS feature can be enabled by selecting the connection type “HI 504900
GSM module” or “HI 504901 GSM Supervisor”.

The HI 504901 supervisor is capable of monitoring the controllers in the net-
work (and SMS messaging is configured in HI 504901), while the HI 504900
is controlled by one HI 720. This section explains how to set the HI 720 for
commanding an HI 504900 module.
Before enabling this feature it is necessary to enter the PIN of the GSM engine
SIM card (setup item P.11) and one or two phone numbers associated with the
service (setup items P.12 and P.13).
If one or two phone numbers have already been set in items P.12 and P.13, when
the service is activated these numbers will be saved on the module SIM card (the
numbers are saved on the first two locations of the phone book area; if some
numbers were previously stored, they will be overwritten).
If no phone number has been set in setup items P.12 and P.13, the instrument
tries to read the SIM card, looking for previously saved numbers associated with
the names “HI720_#1” and “HI720_#2”. If any is found, then the phone
number(s) will be loaded by the instrument and the SMS service activated. Oth-
erwise, if the instrument does not find any correct number, the SMS service will
not be activated.
If the PIN code set in P.11 is wrong, then the “Wrong PIN code!” message will
appear and it will not be possible to switch from “PC” to any GSM connection.
If the first attempt to initialize the GSM cellular engine fails because of wrong
PIN, no other attempt will be allowed until the setup item P.11 is modified (to
prevent the sending of wrong PIN three times. In fact, in this case the SIM card
needs to be unlocked, and the user must extract the SIM card to enter manually
the PUK code using his own cellular phone).



bit 1

Temperature outside the user concentration table



bit 2

Conductivity outside the user concentration table



bit 3

Concentration outside the user concentration table



bit 4

free for future use (and set to 0)



bit 5

free for future use (and set to 0)



bit 6

free for future use (and set to 0)



bit 7

free for future use (and set to 0)

Each bit is equal to 1 if the correspondent error is ON, and equal to 0 if the
correspondent error is OFF (error is always off and the bit equal to 0 if the
correspondent feature is not available).

After having issued the HLD command to enter the hold mode, it must be
issued again to exit from the mode. Therefore, if the device was in hold mode,
issuing the HLD command the first time will have no effect.