Stb support – EXFO AXS-200/650 IP Triple-Play Test Set User Manual
Page 35

Configure Tests for IP Triple-Play Verification
IP Triple-Play Test Set
Configure Line Tests
STB Support
The STB Support tab allows you to specify the network addresses for up to
four set-top boxes to be emulated. This pane is active only for bridged
access mode.
The available parameters are the
Number of STB is the quantity of
set top boxes (maximum 4) to be
emulated by the unit at the testing
Obtain STB IP is either Dynamic
where the access concentrator or
broadband remote access server
assigns a temporary IP address to the set top box, or Static where you
enter the IP address of the set top box.
STB Vendor ID is the name of the set top box, maximum
80 characters. This entry is unavailable if Obtain STB IP is set to Static.
MAC1-4 is the MAC address for each specified set top box.
IP1-4 is the IP address for each set top box that has been specified.
To select the STB support parameters to configure:
1. Press the up/down, left/right arrows to select the desired parameter.
2. Press
to open the list or modify the parameter.
3. In the list, press the up/down arrows to select the function or mode.
Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter the value you want to specify.
4. Press
to confirm the selection.