Step 6: enhancing the type translator – Echelon NodeBuilder FX/PL Examples User Manual

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NodeBuilder FX/PL Examples Guide


13. Use the LonMaker Browser to browse the translator. Enable monitoring for nvoPercentage, and

force nviTempP to several values within and outside the supported range of 0-+30


14. Connect the nvoPercentage output network variable to the input network variable of one of the

analog output functional block blocks, connect a multimeter to the relevant analog output.

15. Use the LonMaker Browser to change the nviTempP value, and observe the results.

Step 6: Enhancing the Type Translator

You cam refine and enhance the UFPTtranslator functional profile you defined in Step 5:
Implementing a Simple Type Translator
. The UFPTtranslator functional profile, with hardcoded
input and output limits, is very specialized for this step. In this step, you will add two configuration
properties for the input range (replacing the hard-coded minimum and maximum of 0 and 30 degrees
Celsius) and two configuration properties to define the minimum and the maximum output signal

The configuration properties used for setting the minimum and maximum output will use the
SCPTminRnge and SCPTmaxRnge types. These configuration properties are used to limit the
minimum value of the primary output network variable for the object.

You need to create your own user-defined configuration property types (UCPTs) because there are no
appropriate standard configuration property types (SCPTs) that can limit the input signal range (you
can not use SCPThighTemp because this configuration property indicates the high alarm set point for
the nvoAlarmAirTemp).

1. Click the NodeBuilder tool Taskbar button in the Taskbar to return to the NodeBuilder tool.

2. Right-click the device template and select Code Wizard from the shortcut menu. The Code

Wizard opens.

3. In the Resource pane, browse to the UFPTtranslator functional profile created in Step 5:

Implementing a Simple Type Translator. Right-click the functional profile and select Open from
the shortcut menu. The Modify Functional Profile Template dialog opens.

4. Select


nviTempP network variable in the Mandatory NVs folder and clear Principal NV.

5. Select


nvoPercentage network variable in the Mandatory NVs folder and set Principal NV.

This must be done because the SCPTminRange and SCPTmaxRange standard configuration
property types should apply to the principal network variable, as stated in the SCPT description

6. In the Available Types pane in the left-hand side of this dialog, expand the

LonWorks\types\STANDARD resource file set folder, and browse to the SCPTminRnge
configuration property type. Drag the configuration property to the UFPTtranslator functional
profile’s Mandatory CPs folder in the Functional Profile pane in the center of this dialog. The
configuration property will be added to the Mandatory CPs folder with the name nciManCP1.

7. Repeat step 6 but add a SCPTmaxRnge configuration property to the UFPTtranslator functional

profile’s Mandatory CPs folder. The new configuration property will be named nciManCP2.

8. Click

nciManCP1 (the SCPTminRnge configuration property added in step 6). The Member

Details pane in the right-hand side of the dialog displays the configuration property properties.
Change Name to cpTransOutMin.

9. Repeat step 8 for nviManCP2 (the SCPTmaxRnge network variable added in step 7. Change

Name to cpTransOutMax.

10. Click OK.

11. Right-click NcExample resource file set’s Configuration Property Types folder and select New

CPT from the shortcut menu. The New Configuration Property Type dialog opens.

12. Set CP Name to UCPTminTemp, set Inherited from a network variable.